1.) Name: Jesse
2.) Birthday: November 3, 1980
3.) Zodiac: Scorpio
4.) Nationality: Not too sure... i'm adopted.....
5.) What time is it: 11:05 PM
6.) Are you sensitive: Yes... I can be very sensitive... I'm more like a chamellion.. I adjust to the situation
7.) saw you: co-workers (off the top of my head, David, and Evin), and Marty
8.) Slept in your bed: Me and Marty
9.) Saw you cry: Marty, Evin, Freddie
10.) Made you cry: My fight with Marty
11.) Went to the movies with: Marty
12.) You shared a drink with: um.. I did a couple shots with Doc... lol.. does that count??
13.) Yelled at you: Once again, Marty.
16.) Sent you an email: Erin.
Have you ever...
17.) taken a picture of yourself with a milk mustash?: Nope
18.) Said "I love you" and meant it?: uh-huh
19.) Gotten into a fight with your Dog/Cat etc: only in a playful manner..... then I got bitten.. HARD
20.) Been to New York?: nu-uh.. but I wanna
21.) Been to Florida?: Yup, with Family, and the All American Squad for Citrus Bowl Half time show
22.) California?: Yes.
23.) Hawaii?: ALOHA YES!!!
24.) Mexico?: Nope
25.) China?: Nope
26.) Canada?: nope
27.) Danced Naked: Yes.
28.) Had a dream about something crazy, then it happens the next day?: You mean, like Deja-vu?? You mean, like Deja-vu??
29.) Stalked someone?: Nope.. but I've been stalked....
30.) Had a mud bath: Nope.. but i wanna!!!
31.) Wished you were the opposite sex?: Nope!!!!!!! I don't wanna deal with Morning Wood....
32.) Had an imaginary friend?: Yes.. when I was younger.
33.) What time is it now?: 11:36 PM
34.) Apples or bananas?: Apples
35.) Blue or red: Blue
36.) Backstreet boys or N*Sync?: Neither.
37.) Wal-Mart or Target?: Wally World
38.) Spring or Fall?: Spring
39.) Santa or Rudolph?: Rudolph
40.) What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Post it, then prollay go home.
41.) What was the last meal you ate?: A pizza from Schlotzsky's
42.) High school or college?: In purgatory
43.) Are you bored?: Yes... I'm at work.. what do YOU think?
45.) Last movie you saw?: The Girl Next Door (theater), Dickie Roberts (home)
46.) Last noise you heard?: *click* customer hanging up on me
48.) Laughs the weirdest?: hmmmm... not too sure
49.) Going to have the most kids: so far... I think i'm winning THAT race
50.) You have known the longest?: Michelle
51.) Loudest?: hmmm... not sure on this either
52.) Is the quietest: grrr.. no idea
53.) Who will fill this out and post it back the soonest?: That's a tough call.
54.) Who is the funniest?: Moi
55-57.) Biggest player?: What sports/bands/women? NOOOOOO CLUE here
58.) Who can you tell most of your secrets to?: My mommy, and my girlfriends (for my girl talk
59.) Who do you usually go to about all of your problems?: My friends, and myself, depending on the problem
60.) Best friend of all time?: Michelle.
61.) Last time you went out of state: 2 years ago
63.) Things you like in a Girl/Guy: Sense of humor, personality, the ability to make me laugh, smile, dimples, etc... could go on and on and on.....
64) Do you have a crush on someone?: I plead the 5th
65.) Do they know?: same.
66.) Do you have a bf/gf?: yes
67.) What do you think about Ouija Boards?: they used to freak me out... heard some awful story.
68.) What book are you reading now?: um... I'm not reading anything
69.) Nicknames: Princess, Raven, Angel..... lots more
70.) Hair Color: dark brown, almost black... soon to change tonight!!!!
71.) Height: 5'5
72.) Pets: none... YET
73.) Siblings: 2 brothers, both adopted such as myself.
74.) Been drunk: of course!!!!!!
75.) Taken any illegal substances: yuppa.
76.) Gone out in public in your pajamas: um.. yeah.. duh
77.) Missed school b/c it was raining: No. But I should've used that excuse.
78.) Set any body part on fire for amusement: um.. NO....
79.) Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.
80.) Wanted to hook up with a friend?: Yeah
81.) Cried during a movie: Yes
82.) Had a crush on a teacher: Yes.
83.) Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Yup Yup... when I was little.
85.) Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: nope... that's what dvr is for.
86.) Prank called someone?: of course
87.) Been on stage?: Yes, many times, multiple ways.
89.) Shampoo?: Garnier Fructise!!!!! (misspelled prollay)
91.) Colors?: Deep blue and hunter green
92.) Day or Night?: Night
93.) Summer/Winter?: nether.. i prefer the fall
94.) Lace or satin?: bah... what about SILK!!
95.) Cartoon Character?: Garfield, and Snoopy
96.) Cried?: Yes
97.) Cut your hair?: nope... not planning on it either
100.) Worn a skirt?: Yes
101.) Been mean?: eh... no
102.) Been sarcastic?: *gasp* the audacity of thinking I would be mean!!!!!! for SHAME on you.. i say FOR SHAME!!!!
103.) Talked to someone you have a crush on?: Nope
104.) Hugged someone?: Yes
106.) Fought with your parents?: Nope
107.) Wished upon a star?: Yup
108.) Laughed until you cried?: Yup
110.) Watched a sunrise/sunset?: if being up when it happens, then yes.. but not actually WATCHED it
111.) Went to the beach at night?: No... but I have done that before!!
112.) Spend quality time alone?: Yes
113.) Ate a meal?: Yes
114.) Are you lonely?: Sometimes
115.) Are you happy?: Usually
116.) Are you talking to someone on-line?: Yup
117.) God/Devil?: Yes
118.) Love?: Yes
119.) The Closet Monster?: Shhh.... *looks around, in a paranoid matter* he might hear me....
120.) Ghosts?: Yes, to an extent
121.) Heaven/Hell?: Yes
122.) Superstitions?: Some
123.) What is your full name?: Jessica G. Smerge
124.) Who named you?: My mom and dad... my middle name is my dad's late mother
125.) When was the last time you showered?: last night.
126.) What color pants do you have on right now?: Khaki-ish
127.) What song are you listening to right now?: NOthing.. I'm at work... DER
128.) What was the last thing that you said on-line?: Cool cool.
129.) What is right next to you?: another desk
130.) What is your computer desk made of?: wood and steel (at home) here.. crap
131.) What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: 5989
132.) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Puerto Rico, or Jamaica, or Hawaii
133.) How's the weather right now?: kinda windy, but nice all in all.
134.) What did you do last night?: eh... nothing new, worked, bs'd and played on the comp.
135.) How are you today?: Eh... half and half.... not overly happy, but not depressed... just .... here.
136.) How do you eat an Oreo?: sometimes i dunk em till they're soft, sometimes I eat only the middle, and toss the cookie part lol
137.) What makes you happy?: A good conversation, friends, movies, family....
138.) What makes you mad?: Lying, dis-honesty, knowing something's goin on and being told it isnt, Austin and Dallas Traffic, people who abuse their children.
139.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: Healthy, in love, happy.
140.) What are your future goals: To have a good paying job, to be financially secure, to have a good life.
141.) Music?: Country, some pop, some rap, alternative.
142.) Food?: Depends on my mood.. but i LOOOVE my mom's meatloaf.
143.) Favorite kind of movies?: Suspense, romance, comedy,
144.) Guys Cologne?: Polo Sport.
145.) Clothes Brand?: not really a NAME BRAND type of person... as long as I'm comfortable.. I'm good to go.
146.) Fast or slow?: hmmm.... Driving fast is fun.. if u do it cautiously, take life's precious moments slow enough to savour them.
147.) Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yeah.... believe it or not, I do have my shy times!!! =)
148.) If you could change your name what would it be?: Angela, or hmmm... too many to suggest....
149.) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yes.... technically 2.
150.) What will your first son's name be?: his name is Morgan Lee.
151.) First daughter?: her name is Audrey Joy
152.) Do you like scary or happy movies better?: Depends on my mood....
153.) On the phone or in person?: depends on what is being said....
154.) Lust or Love?: love
155.) It's now: 12:25 AM
**This took so long because of the fact that I'm at work... so... BLAH*
Yeah... getting THAT bored at work that I willingly did this one!!!! *cries*
oh well.. take it to your journal if you're brave enough!!!