Last night/yesterday's horoscope:
Greetings Sarah --
Here is your horoscope for Saturday, June 25:
A party's getting started wherever you happen to be. Coincidence? Not at all --
you facilitate fun as well as the snappy exchange of fascinating ideas now. Add
in some refreshments, and it's the best kind of celebration.
Wow... did I need that.
Some of the Dragonlights: (like highlights, only with more teeth)
- Dancing with moonartemis76. Damn, I've missed that.
- Falling headlong back into my crush on dirtgrrl (with a little help from gollumgollum's hat)
- Getting to be kniedzw's "lovely assisstant" for the presentation of "Most Wicked"
- Cuddletime!! coyotewatches, armbarred, ancientwisdom, and danielmc all offered great hugs and were snuggle-riffic!!
- Dancing to those AWESOME DRUMS!! bneuensc, coyotewatches, gollumgollum, lilornyn, Rick, and Jay (who I know has an LJ, but I can't remember it right now) were amazing and fun. (One-and-two-and-three-and-FOUR!!) I was dancing and at one point thought, "Margaret has a sprinkler?" And then I realized it was sweat. We were spraying it everywhere as we danced our feet off. I don't recall anything so wonderful as Tjen, The Leezardy Dragon, The Raven, The Kitsune, and though there may have been a ninja there, certainly no one saw him... dancing up a storm in a our little circle. Others came in and out... but oh! The energy!! Such beautiful women!!
- My top, did indeed stay on all night! :)
Now! Off to work! More later!