Jan 04, 2003 13:25
i have fuckin had it!!!! today was honestly probally my last day ...i might go tomorrow to tell him im done but honestly i hvae been taken advantage of long enough. today i was off suposedly...requested off and all this. he tells me that i have to go in and help lauren cuase lauren never opened..ok no problem. i woke up on no sleep pissed as fuck and went in, mark was on schdule for 12 and well 12 rolls around no mark , 1 no mark so a little after 1 i leave. FUCK THAT PLACE takin advantage of me, seriously i left someone there who doenst know what to do ...well she does but she asks alot of stuff. she told me to leave and said it wasnt fair. ur damn right its not fuckin fair and thats why i have to say GOOD BYE LINDT CHOCOLATE! its been fun...NOT