Hello Mr. Anderson!!

May 26, 2003 20:33

I'm bored,I'm bored, I'm bored! Sorry I just had to tell everyone that I'm bored! At least I'm not in school so I'll shut up and find something to entertain me.

Arrogant? Ha! It's a lie I tell you, a lie! Well maybe just a little true.I'm not even going to say anything about the anime character test. Anywho... So how is everyone?

Okay so I went a little quiz crazy today. Well I was bored wasn't I and taking quizzes was a perfect source to keeping me from dying of boredom!

Which Agent Smith are you?

By Madeline Elster

You're A Bishoujo (Attractive Young Woman)!
You are loved by all, and you know it. You love
the attention you get, because or your sense of
style, and perfect face. Congrats.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You should be a Leo, your Outgoing, friendly,
generous, loyal, and fearless, but you can aslo
be rude, loud, and a little hot Tempered.

~*What is your TRUE Zodica sign?*~(WITH NEW PIC'S!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

brought to you by Quizilla

me, quizzes

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