No,I don't mean beer okay. You guys'll see later in this post. Right now I'm going to have a mini-fit and rant to Fox because they suck. First of all they have like a million shows that I love. They are by far the station that I watch the most but what the fuck is up with taking my Bones and Houseaway for Babseball? I mean I watch baseball ocassionally but come on theres like a zillion sports channels they can show that shit on. Now I have to wait until Novemeber the 1st to watch those shows again? No way thats so not cool. Yeah I'm a little mad. At least it was only that day. If they would have messed with Prison Break on Mondays too I would have been beyond pissed. Oh well I'll live...hopefully. At least this gives me time to actually watch Supernatural since its on at the same time as House.
Oh yeah so everyone that asked me how my test went...I still haven't gotten it back lol. I get my results in like half an hour. Gah I hope I got a good grade. I didn't label veins and arteries on a semi-naked John for nothing. I'm totally serious I used him as my model lol. Speaking of exams. We had another one for History yesterday and I decided to step down and see how my group would do if I didn't participate as much. Yeah I'm sad to say we got a 70. Bitches ya'll need me! With me we always get a 90 and we'd get a 100 if that one would girl would stop insisting that she knows everything.
Oh yeah and I was telling
hollymahogany last night I'm really mad at Prison Break and Nip/Tuck they totally left me hanging this week. They both ended with "to be continued..." you know how much that sucks? Lol. Now I have to wait a whole damn week to see what happened.
Okay well lets get to explaining my crazy title for today shall we?
For all of you that haven't seen MTV or BET or some music channel and for those of you who live under rocks and don't watch Fox/Prison Break let me introduce you to Wentworth Miller. Mariah Carey "It's Like That", and "We Belong Together" video hottie! You all may be thinking,"Wow I've never seen him before,he's hot." Liars! All of you,if you watched Underworld you've seen him. If you watched Dinotopia you've seen him. If you watched that one movie called the Human Stain you've seen him. Let's stick with Underworld though cause I'm sure most of you have seen that. Remember geeked out Dr.Adam? *nods* Yup,same hottie,but with hair.
The first couple screen shots are from Prison Break and thanks to
_aced_ for them,the last few are from the pilot episode of Ghost Whisperer. Isn't he so hot? He has those hot lips and theres just something about his eyes and that look he gets lol. Yeah he's officially on my hottest guys ever list. And his name will probably pop up in here more than once. Now lets get to his name. I still haven't gotten used to calling him Wentworth,it sounds so...uppity and blegh. Instead I call him by his last name,Miller. Miller Wentworth makes more sense lol. Yup I changed his name lol. Okay now you're all free to stare. :)
{Note:No I haven't stopped loving John,for all my Gotti friends lol.}
Oh yeah and before I forget,watch Spike TV. They're showing the Godfather trilogy this whole week. Awesome flicks! You know you wanna watch them. Well you guys missed the first half of the first movie last night,but it wasn't anything major.
Oooh and the song I'm listening to,isn't it cool? Stupid Kanye though,I mean every girls wants a guy thats paid right? I mean not ridiculously rich just to spend his money,but a guy that has a good job to take you out and stuff. That doesn't mean you're a goldigger,but whatever lol. It's a fun song though with a catchy chorus,"I ain't sayin' she a goldigger,but she ain't messin' with no broke,broke." Lol.
P.S. Look Miller's on my icon now too lol. *Licks him*