Okay first of all I must share the wealth because I didn't know this, but go
here and you will get free paid time from livejournal. Well if you already have a paid account. Anyway clcik it and you'll see. I got an extension on my lj. Just thought I should pass that to ya'll if you didn't know about it.
Anywho so all of you are going to see the drama with my sister and her umm engagement lol. She told my dad today, my mom already knew. Of course he was upset cause it's total madness. It's just not the way things should be done with something as serious as marriage. I don't agree with what she wants to do at all. Not one bit. No one agrees with her. It's too big of a decision for her to try and make under these circumstances. So far the family is all like weirded out. Amazingly enough my Dad wasn't really angry. Or at least he didn't show it. If I ever try something like that kick me or something. Unless it is one of the following men, Orlando,Sean Biggerstaff,Daniel Radcliffe(young I know),Brandon Boyd, or ya know all those hotties I always talk about lol. But still...
Anyway so me and Selene went to go play Tennis cause we're such pros. Yeah right we got exercise from running around chasing the ball. It wasn't even a Tennis ball. we couldn't find any at the store and mine are lost somewhere so we bought one of those big bouncy chew toys lol. It worked though. But yeah it was fun and fat burning all at once. So we have a workout plan now. M-W-F is Tennis and T-Thur is Yoga or whatever else we feel like doing.
Anywho so yeah talk to everyone later. I'm outtie.
P.S. New icon yay! It will be available for use at
ethereal_icons soon. That's for you Dani and Lynn in case you guys liked it lol.