Stuff on my mind...floating all around ,my brain.

Dec 22, 2003 01:36

Wow, I haven't updated in a while. Where have I been? I have no idea. I've kinda not been on LJ that much. Sorry to all my friends, I still love ya'll even though I haven't commented half as much as I would have liked to. I will go through my list tomorrow because I'm tired. It's early in the morning, I'm listening to Dido so I'm in a weird thinking kind of mood.

Went to see ROTK again with my sister's/brother's friend and his nieces. It's still the best movie ever. It truly is and to anyone who says "It was all right", well you must not have been paying attention cause it rocked my socks right off. Anywho I'm not updating to talk about LOTR. Even though I love it. Brenda and I will probably go watch it before the week is over.

I changed my layout finally. Haven't gotte tired of Frodo though cause yup he's my favorite hobbit. I had Legolas up and a new icon I made of him, but I didn't like any of the bg's I made for it. They looked too pretty or something lol. This bg looks sort of weird it's all messy and stuff, but it looks better that way.

Wowzers, so it's almost Christmas. I can't wait. Even my bird got presents. I went to Petsmart and bought him some toys, treats, and a swing. I have no idea how he's going to get on the swing, but I'll just have to see. It'll make him smarter, or so I hope.

Lol, aww man I'm going to write it in here so you guys can laugh at me. Speaking of my bird. I fell today. Taking him from one room to another. I spilled some of his water on the floor and slipped on it. Amazingly enough I don't have any bruises, although Vickers is traumatized. It's not like he's never fallen before lol. It was early in the morning so I have an excuse. I'm not accident prone though, so thats odd. I guess the planets and the chickens aligned just right lol. Aww man Brenda said that the other day and I will not forget it lol. She is so smart, she is so smart, S-M-R-T, lol. She's funny, my pervy hobbit fancying cousin. If I had half a penny for everytime she made me laugh I'd be richer than, well I'd own the world and Orlando Bloom, let's just put it that way. For everytime I made her laugh i'd be close too. I'm the "serious" one, I think. Am I Brenda? Okay yeah I'm just being silly now so I will stop writing.


brenda, lotr, accidents, holidays, family, funny, bird

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