It is so hot! Usually at night it gets all nice and cool, but not tonight.I can't wait until Fall.Just felt like sharing that. I'm watching Mad TV right now, I don't know if it's and old episode, but I'm watching it anyway.I wonder who's going to be on SNL tonight?
Damn I still haven't seen the ROTK trailer. The had to take it off they're website before I could see it. I haven't been able to find a place where it load fast. I tried it the other day at...umm I don't remember the website, but it was going really slow.
Anywho I'm posting a screen cap of Legolas cause he's so hot! I never get enough of the elf that stole my heart.I can't wait for this movie! Also posted for your eye candy pleasure.
P.S. Yay I changed my icon to match the title of my LJ. I had to take it from J.Lo's album cause it makes sense.