Dec 19, 2005 12:29
Hey Everyone...
How's everything? Good here I guess just sitting in an offline Communication Technology class. The teacher didnt set any work but I guess he is nice considering Christmas is getting close. I can't believe that Christmas is like 6 days away, holy cow. It took me so long to get ready for christmas and now finally its here and extremely close. Anyways I really can't wait until Christmas it going to be so much fun, im getting a digital camera for christmas and I cant wait. Also I can't wait until next Monday night mom is going to be having a Boxing Day Party and inviting alot of people, that should be real fun and I cant wait until then. Well I only got three more school days left here and I can't wait to get out for christmas holidays I really need a break now. Anyways my weekend was okay I suppose I didnt really do much.
Well Friday after school I went to Uncle Derricks and helped mom clean his house and get ready for Christmas. We were up there until around 5 and then we came home and got supper. After supper I worked on some homework but that sort if didnt work very good I didnt get much done. Anyways around 7 we went to Ashleys and watched her decorate there tree, also we went to see Ashleys mom engagement ring that is so nice anwyays I am so happy for Tonia and Brian. Anyways around 8 oclock we went to nans for a visit. We stayed there until 11:30, then I came home, got on the Internet, chatted to some people and then I went to bed.
Satuday I got up around 12:30 and got in the shower. After that me, mom ,and rhonda went to Aunt Janices and visited with her for awhile becasue we havent seen her since the last time that she moved out. So anyways we visited with her for awhile and then we went to Uncle Derricks and hung out with his friends for while and then they all came to the house and partyed. Anyways around 7:30 I went for awalk because I got bored of watching people partying. Anyways it was such a nice night out that I decided to walk as far as Lester Eddy's wraft. So as I was walking home there was strange vechials driving pass me and I was getting nervous and as I was walking down pass Holly's a car came by me and stopped and said "YOU BETTER RUN BITCH BECUASE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE IN YOUR LIFE IS NOW COMING BACK ON YOU". I got real scared and didnt know what to do so I ran up behind Franks and waited until the car left and went downw the road. The car stooped at the government wraft for awhile, I guess waiting for me. SO after the car left I ran home anzd well by the time I got home I had to go babystting for Robin and Mike. Anyways I went there around 10:30 and around 12 oclock someone was pulling in the driveway and I wasnt familar with the car so I ran up staires and waited for the car to leave. Unfortunely the car didnt leave until a half an hour later when I was so scared by this time. I was crying and everything and I didnt kn ow what to do. Then when I reached upstaires the person that was in the car was knocking on the door, but I NEVER let them in because I never had a clue who it was and well when I looked out Mikes and Robins bedroom window the vechial wasnt familar to me so I just waited until they left to go downstaires. Anyways MIke and Robin showed back around 2 and I couldnt wait because I was so scared. Anyways I went home, got on the Internet, and then finally I went to bed.
Sunday I didnt really do much, cleaned my room and cleaned up the mess moms friends had made. Last night I called Charmaine talked to her for awhile and then I got on the Interenet and sent my Writing assignment and my Biology Assignment to my teachers, and then I went to bed.
Well today I dont have anything planned for after school. Well tonight ill probabaly be visiting Michelle and doing some homework, we probabaly wont be doing much here at school this week. Anyways I must be going and ill update later.