Make yourself a god dang quesadila

Feb 01, 2005 19:25

I don't know why I was so not stressed about the end of Jan Term yesterday. I think I was in shock -- seriously. I am freaking out. I think being on duty 4 days in a row last weekend kind of numbed me to the outside world. I have a final paper due in 3 days. I am comparing the film version of "A Farewell to Arms" to the literary version. I-have-not-seen-the-movie. I-have-not-completed-my-reading-of-the-book. I-am-screwed. End of story. I'm going so crazy, that I have lost my ability to spell. I just spelled screwed (screwd) and story (storey). I want to hide away in my room until Friday and pretend that I fell ill and died all of a sudden and maybe my teacher will forget about me...hmmmmm...

On a lighter note...I swallowed a Peach-O whole. I didn't mean to; it just happened. :(

Maintenance came and tried to fix my blinds. I can open them, but I can't shut them. So if I want to shut them I have to get up on a chair and manually pull them across the rod. The guy came and tried to fix them but could not. In fact, he cut the little pulley cord, and it could possibly be more broken now. But he's really nice so I feel bad, but he promised he'd order me a new one!

Campus safety drama is in my face -- ALL THE me for further information

P.S. Brycie's quotes from psych of sex clas in her profile are my new favorite
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