Social Misery Ch. 1

Sep 30, 2009 23:12

Social Misery
Summary: "Has anyone ever questioned why we follow societies norms? Why do we as a society try and ostracize the few that generally just stand out from the normal flow"

Genre: AU
Rating: R
Pairings: Bill/Tom
Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own 'em, only in my dreams.
Comments: I haven't written anything in a long while, this just kind of came to me and my muse has continued with it. So we shall see what comes.


Has anyone ever questioned why we follow societies norms? Why do we as a society try and ostracize the few that generally just stand out from the normal flow?

Is it because we are scared to learn something new? Because the few that standout are in a way jeopardizing what we as a society aren't able to do - be our own person.

Well my story goes with that I am the person generally ostracized. I have never been accepted, even by my own family and the few friends I do have still keep my at arms length because of what others will say to them.

Did you know that the moment I dyed my hair black, I was given a label. The moment I started experimenting with make-up, I was given yet another label. The moment I got curious about different styles of clothes and started trying to find what I liked best, another labeled was given to me.

My family started laying in on my when I started getting piercings and tattoos, yet society didn't blink an eye at that as it is socially acceptable.

Now these labels you might be wondering about that I currently hold are - I am an Emo, Goth, Gay, Transvestite. Personally, I am Gay. The other stuff I don't think is me.

Now on to this supposed society. For me it's school, the uttermost of hell really.

Hate going, dread it and pretty much have to get kicked out of my house every morning...rarely ever on time to first period.

Getting looked at, not in the good way but more in the way of 'what the hell is he wearing today?' with the occasional shoves in the hallway as if I didn't already know nobody wants me there. Lets not forget to add in the weekly beatings in the boy's bathroom, which as of late I've been pretty good at dodging..although I don't know how long that's going to last.

My supposed friends, really just a couple kids I seat with at lunch and can talk to in class. Not much talking really, just a sharing of homework answers.

You're probably wondering what about the teachers? Ha! I really should laugh hysterically at you till my lungs collapse. Those teachers at my school could careless, they are just there for a paycheck and not a very big one either. I've had a counselor try to approach me a few times, but really it's all out of obligation to her job.

My parents? An even bigger laugh! They are hardly home, if their not at work then they are off brown nosing to get more well-known in society. Most nights they can be found at some party. As long as I go to school and don't really show my face at their parties or work, they don't care. I get a weekly allowance that is put into my bank account, so really I never see them.

Who kicks me out of the house every morning? Why the housemaid of course, like my parents would really talk to me! They are usually already at work by the time I should be at school. Really pathetic.

They have molded to what is expected of them. They don't like to get the weird looks, if they get them then they try to change whatever it is till it goes away. Me, I could care less. In fact the more weird looks I get, the better I feel about myself.


Currently I am sitting in my second period, I caught the last 15 minutes of first period. A new record for me. Second period is World History, one of my favorites! Sitting next to Andreas at the back of the room, he is daydreaming out of the window. I'm trying to keep up with how fast the teacher is talking, she must have had a cup or five of coffee.

'Damn! Doesn't she understand the concept of breathing? Better yet, does she know about punctuations?' I grumble to myself as I do my best to paraphrase everything she's saying as she's flying up down the chalkboard. If you squint really hard and turn your head to the left just so, you can make out some kind of map drawing, it's rather horrible and the proportions don't make any sense. The entire period pretty much passes like that, nothing new really.

The day passes much like every other one I've been forced to endure. Sixth period finally arrives, the last class of the day! Unfortunately it's Science, absolutely abhor that class. Thank God the teacher does everything right out of the book, no surprises on the tests and thankfully no stupid labs.

I sit at a lab table by myself, this is the one class I don't have any 'friends' in and of course no one else wants to be seen with me.

Mr. Hodges just stands at the front of the classroom with the textbook in his hands as he reads from it. Such a pointless class!

Looking up at the generic black clock behind his slightly balding head, only 15 minutes of the class has passed. The ugly wooden door opens and an administrator walks in carrying some paperwork that he hands to Mr. Hodges, trying to look all important.

I just roll my eyes and put my head back down on the blacktop table, some kind of fireproof material. As if any kind of fire would meet it, no experiments of any kind are allowed ever since some seniors thought it would be funny to try and mix some combustible materials together in Chemistry a few years ago.

Anyways, back to my boring misery of this torture. I lay my head down on my crossed arms on the table, 'Maybe I'll be able to dose off for the rest of class.'

I probably just jinxed myself with that thought because the moment I completed it, the ugly wooden door opened once more with Mr. Hodges walking in looking all excited. It's actually a pretty scary sight, as a dull sounding man doesn't seem very excitable.

“Alright class” he tells us with a smile on his face as he sets his tomb sized text book down on his desk.

As he claps his hands to bring the class to attention, rather hard since most are lost in their own worlds like I've been trying to.

“We have a new student being added today.” Mr. Hodges continues as he makes some motion at the door and that's when HE walks into the door.

A boy wearing the typical fashion of a gangster, too big clothes, with his blonde hair done in dreadlocks. You can tell his dreads are old as their way past his shoulders and looking rather raggedy at the scalp. A headband is around his head to keep the dreads out of his face. The thing that's really caught my attention is his silver lip ring, it's caused his facial expression to be in a constant smirk.

“Alright Tom, introduce yourself a little.” the teacher continues as he motions for the new boy to stand in front of the class.

'Poor kid, new and being forced to have all the attention on him.' Thinking back to what it's like to be the new kid when I first came to this school, I feel sorry for the guy.

Turning my attention back on the new guy as he almost waddles up the front of the class while trying to hold up his much too big jeans by his belt.

“Um, my name is Tom Kaulitz. I am moved here from Germany. Um, English is not my first language. Sorry if I do not make” he said with his heavily accent English. You can tell he is fumbling a little with his words.

'He would be really cute. Too bad he is a poser, his fashion style is like a screaming sign of his need to fit into society.'

“Alrighty now Tom, it looks like most of the seats are taken. Why don't you take a seat next to Bill over there.” Mr. Hodges says as he points in my direction, 'Damn!'

I watch as he makes his way to the back of the class next to me, 'Why did the school have to put in lab tables! Why not just use regular desk!'

“Um, Hello.” the new guy says as he plops down on the stool next to me. I'm just waiting for the scoffs and sneers to start up.

A weak smile gracing my lips, “Hello Tom.” I say to him quietly, I'm not use to being very loud by nature. I've learned it's easier and have less beatings inflicted on my person if I can make myself as unnoticeable as possible.

“Um, What class is this?” he asks me as he pulls out a rolled up, red folder out of one of his humongous pockets.

“We're in Science, Chemistry to be exact.” I tell him as I roll my eyes at the subject as I put my head back down on the table, but turn my head to where I can still see the new guy.

I just see him nod his head in understanding as he takes a pencil out of the folder as if he is going to take notes.

Wanting to look out for his benefit and plus so far he hasn't made any negative movements toward me, “Don't bother taking notes. He teaches straight from the book, when you get your textbook just look it over.” I tell him in a quiet voice as Mr. Hodges had gone back to his 'teaching'.

“What?!” Tom says with an eyebrow raised, seems he has had actual teachers before who know how to teach. Must be nice!

“Yea, but it makes for an easy class and plus you can catch up on your sleep.” I tell him with a shrug of my shoulders, still not having taken my eyes off him. 'This new kid is confusing me. Maybe he is still new and hasn't been brainwashed into what are the social norms around here. He'll fit in that's for sure, just by judging him by his clothes.'

I know, I know. It's not good to judge others by their outward appearance, but everyone else does it to me so it's just easier if I beat them to the punch and plus it certainly helps me figure out if someone is wanting to give me a beating.

“I see” he says with a nod as he simply puts his stuff away that he just pulled out.

“So, my name is Bill Trümper.” I tell him with a smile as I seat up from my previous position on the lab table.

I see him raise an eyebrow as I introduce myself, maybe he isn't used to formalities. I've been raised around them, to the point it's been pretty much ingrained into my socializing skills.

“Ahh, it is good to meet you Bill.” He replies, I can tell by his facial features that he is having to search for the right word to use. Obviously not use to having to use English.

Trying to strike up a conversation, if anything it will certainly make this boring class go by fast.

“Your English is really good.” I tell him, maybe I can help him out a little with his English.

“I thank you. I am doing my best. The language is..hard.” He says and I can see a little blush come up at the end, obviously he isn't sure about his word choice.

“It is, certainly one of the more difficult languages to learn.” I nod in agreement with him. Turning a little on the hard metal stool to keep my butt from going numb, another reason I hate this damn class.

“So, what other classes to you have this semester?” I ask him as I flick some of my long black-dyed hair out of my face, I decided to wear it down for once today.

I see him fumble out a white sheet of paper out of a humongous pocket, 'I wonder what all he has stashed in there.'

“I have....English, World History, Math....Calculus, I think. Um...Computers and this one.” He tells me, not taking his eyes off the paper. With a nod of his head as if saying that's all of it, he starts folding the paper back up.

I hold out my hand, for the paper. His eyes almost seem to zero in on my nails. Yes, they are manicured and doubly yes they are a weird version of a typical French manicure. I have to be different, so I got my nail stylist to do my nails black with a white tip. It turned out awesomely, so it's been part of my signature look ever since.

“You want this?” he asks in confusion as to what I'm waiting on.

“Yes. I wanted to see what teachers you have.” I tell him patiently, not wanting him to see me as bossy. That's the last thing I would need to get out to everyone, me being bossy. That would probably have me signed up for a beating for a week, maybe two.

“Here.” He tells me as he shrugs, probably not really understanding.

“Let's see what kind of torture the administration is wanting to inflict on your poor soul.” I mutter as I scan over the paper.

He has the same first period with Mrs. White as me.

The same second period with Mrs. Opal, that class is so easy.

Damn! He has to be really smart to be put in that Math class, that's for only the geniuses!

Lucky, time slot for Lunch!

His got that bitch Ms. Rountree for Computers, good luck with that one.

“We have three classes together.” I mildly comment to him as I fold the paper up how it was already creased and hand it back.

Just as he takes it and puts it in his pocket, the bell rings.

“Thank God! No more torture!” I mutter out loud as I grab my black messenger back, it almost blends into my clothes.

I turn to Tom before I bolt out the class, “See ya tomorrow.” I tell him with a wave of my hand as I walk as fast I can out the doors, all the while looking around and keeping my eyes out for Johnathan and his cronies.


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Chapter 2

social misery

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