Dec 15, 2005 21:10
Ok so whats with the 5000 rants I see going on my flist?
Whatever, I dont want to be part of the damn drama. I am to sick to deal with this bullcrap.
People are stupid. Plain and simple and if some of my flist get offened by this I am sorry. But people just need to stop spreading rumours. I am not saying I know everything....cuz by all means I dont. And for any of you think that I am "Amber the all and mighty extra" what the hell ever...I know some of you have given me that name, and by the way thats so 11 year old I dont think you got the memo.
All this Hilarie bashing, you know what I could care the hell less. I love her deal with it. She is the nicest person on set. How many celebrities would rish their job to take a piicture with a fan? On set. Hil did. I dont care what you "heard" cuz for one I dont believe a word of it. If Hil/Joie or even Hil/Soph or Hil/James all hate eachother then tell me WHY are they always laughing. Granted James is always so shy on set but Hilarie is always hanging and talkign and LAUGHING with any one of them. This cast is the most down to earth cast I have ever heard about and for me to see them filming and getting along so well, is great. There are friendships that cant be broken on that set. For anyone that thinks oh I am in denial or I am making all of this up..well then screw you all. I dont give a freakin care in the world. I see stuff, I know people. And if you dont believe me than fine just remember I actually know what I am talking about.
I am out and done, and if I offened anyone I am sorry, but you know what I dont freaking care cuz if I can put up with everyone elses rants than at least you can put up with mine.