Jul 17, 2009 00:11
I probably won't post a whole lot here anymore. I'm trying to cut down on my whiny rants, which is a good portion of what I used this account for. I'm also trying to start a more industry related account where I'll stick my game reviews and such. If anyone's interested, you can find it at
That said, I still check my friends link on here from time to time, and try to comment on posts when I do, so hopefully I can keep in touch with most of you who are too busy to drop me a freakin email or anything. Did that make any of you feel guilty? I HOPE SO BECAUSE YOU TOTALLY SHOULD BE EMAILING ME MORE. And yes, I do mean YOU.
But, I do have something pretty interesting to mention here. I got to meet Nobuo Uematsu. Well, not exactly meet, since he doesn't speak much English and I speak no Japanese.
Last Friday I went to Distant Worlds, Final Fantasy Music performed by the Seattle Symphony and conducted by Arnie Roth. It was an incredible experience, even with the fact that they took out the one song from FF2/4, which made me cry. Still, every song was touching, with maybe the possible exception of Man With Machineguns, but I don't know much about FF8.
Mister Uematsu was in the crowd for the symphony, and they even convinced him to sing in the choir during One Winged Angel. I don't even like the song, and I have to say it was an amazing performance, especially when they had CG from Advent Children of Sephiroth in flames blend into his FF7 CG at the end. Really impossible to do justice with words.
DigiPen managed to get him to come speak the next day, and he answered a lot of questions about doing music for video games. I was a little sad I wasn't able to nerd out and just enjoy hearing him speak, but I was more paying attention to his words from a professional angle (I blame being so close to graduating, and NOT, as some might claim, becoming 'responsible').
It was a blast. My personal highlight was, when asked if he remembered any particular moments from the game series, he paused for a moment, said some things in Japanese, the only disernable part of which was the word 'Aerith', which caused the assmebled nerds to foam and cry 'WHAT ABOUT AERIS OH MIGHTY GOD?!". To which he replied, in english 'She died, right?'. He may be my new farvorite hero. Also, he talked about composing Locke and Celese's themes in tandem. You can play them over the top of each other, and their waves compliment. Wow...
I did get a lot of useful information from the experience, but most of it may be generally techincal and boring. Still, if anyone's curious, I'd be happy to ramble more about his talk or the concert.
As always, hope you all are doing fine, especially the many of you who never post on here so I can only guess. Then again, my active friends list is mostly composed of girls I find attractive, so I'm not completly heartbroken *laugh*.