First 2 days in Tokyo

Sep 22, 2007 21:39

We departed on the 18. We had a very looong flight to Toronto (but it was quite comfortable because the plane was empty). We had a 4 hour wait for our connecting flight to Tokyo. The second flight was also very long and unpleasant, as it was packed.
Tokyo greeted us with some serious heat; I thought we where gone have some fair weather, but no no no... 30- 32 C dregrees.

Agus (My husband), Javier (Graciela's husband), Eiko  and Graciela. (Me... I'm taking the pic)

Our first day we headed to Akihabara, Me and my friends "needed" some electronics inmediately. I ended up buying a new camera which I love! A Fuji Finepix s9000. It has a very powerful lens and even though I am just beginning to get it I find it incredible!
I was still very tired form the flight. Hardly 2 or 3 hours of sleep in 2 days, so we all headed back to the Hotel and rested.

Second day, we woke up at 4 am to go to the Tsukiji Fish Market. What an amazing place! We got to see the frozen tuna auctions! Lots of fresh fish and sea creatures, plus we had the best sushi ever!

After that we went to the Tokyo Game Show. We had Media passes, so we entered very easily (It was a Saturday, so you can guess it was packed). It was insane! I am not into games, but the boys are!

The boys stayed there until late in the afternoon. Me, Eiko and Graciela went to Ikebukuro in search for Crowd Nine Blythe for Tibiloo but were unsuccesful :( It was sold out! I bought a Hello Harvest Blythe, some Silvanian family  and licca stuff.
We had tea at this amazing patisserie:

Its inside the Toys 'r Us shopping mall. It's called Patisserie Mariage. I recomend the Choux!

Some lovely bags:

Then we went to Harajuku, to meet with the boys.
We walked around. It was packed with young people. But I found it a bit different than the last time I came to Japan (2 years ago). It was full of foreigners, and the whole place seemed so "turistic"... Before it was a bit more underground.

Some cute stuff I spoted:

(These two I think I am going to make them for my Blythes)

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