To make things interesting - EXPLAIN.
1. Taken a picture naked?
I suppose when i was a wee child. I remember at my brothers bar mitzvah my mom had this slide show of pictures made of him and one was of him in the bath when he was a wee tot, so i guess you should ask him this question.
2. Painted your room?
I dont paint and i certainly don't have a room
3. Kissed a member of the same sex?
Um i guess my dad or something, but i dont think that's what you're looking for.
4. Drove a car?
What a thought provoking question. Lets see i'm a 19 year old college student..have i driven a car...hmmm... you really got me thinking here.
5. Danced in front of your mirror?
shut up, only after i was done with your mom
6. Have a crush?
There pretty much isn't a minute in my life when i'm not crushing over someone...or something.
7. Been dumped?
No, I'm a man of action and therefore cannot be dumped.
8. Stole money from a friend?
Absolutely not, i dont fuckin live in wheaton.
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Those are the best car rides
10. Been in a fist fight?
None that last more than one punch each, like lola said, i usually pull a Buster
11. Snuck out of your house?
Never really had the need to, yay for liberal parents
12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
13. Been arrested?
I probably should have been, but somehow i always get around it
14. Made out with a stranger?
I had been single for two years
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Ok this is retarded, what does this even mean. Is met up some crazy biblical term like "know"?
16. Left your house with out telling your parents?
Ya and they usually get pretty pissed
17. Had a crush on your neighbor?
There's this really hot mom who moved in across the street from me like over the summer, i suppose that counts
18. Ditched school to do something more fun?
I used to convince teachers to let me leave class to work on sets for school shows like the week before a play was gonna open. In college i think everyone skips class and i would assume it'd be for something more fun
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Not since i was a wee tot
20. Seen someone die?
I saw a video online of a guy get killed by a helicopter and it shook me up for a while, but not in person
21. Been on a plane?
Yes and if you're so bored that you want hear stories about them you can call me at 410 suck a dick
22. Kissed a picture?
Am i billy fucking madison, grow up
23. Slept in until 3?
At least once a week
24. Love someone or miss someone right now?
Steak uMmmmmmmmmmmmm
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
All i have to say is 4/20/05 Temple 3<
26. Made a snow angel?
Fuckin a right, my snow angles fuck shit up. But they usually end up spontaneously combusting because i'm a jew
27. Played dress up?
How about you play shut up
28. Cheated while playing a game?
No, not really a fan of cheating
29. Been lonely?
That's like asking someone if they've ever breathed before. What a dumbshit question, thanks for wasting my time
30. Fallen asleep at work/school?
Only one god damned time. During Ap Euro senior year i passed out sitting up with my mouth open and of course it was the one day that like 2 vice principals were sitting in on the class. Good job me
31. Been to a club?
Just bar of baltimore once and if 930 club counts...
32. Felt an earthquake?
Only after i fucked Hera and Zeus got a little angry
33. Touched a snake?
Do pink trouser snakes count cause i think i have one of those
34. Ran a red light?
Not intentionally
35. Been suspended from school?
Come very very close to it, but it was like 3 days before school let out so i got off with detentions
36. Had detention?
It pretty much became a second home in middle school and even sometimes in high school. Oh the memories. I was getting kicked out of classes as late as senior year of high school.
37. Been in a car accident?
Several where i was a passenger and 3 where I was the driver, none of which were my fault
38. Hated the way you look?
Up until this school year
39. Witnessed a crime?
Plead the fifth?
40. Pole danced?
Ive used people as poles before, you know who you are
41. Been lost?
I'm always lost, it's a wonder i'm not sitting on some bench outside of a denny's in like montana now
42. Been to the opposite side of the country?
Been to vegas 5 or 6 times, flagstaff and the grand canyon. Hopefully i'll live in Southern cali soon.
43. Felt like dying?
44. Cried yourself to sleep?
I guess when i was like an infant, i think that's one their main character traits so once again, stupid question
46. Sang karaoke?
Never have and never will
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
I told myself i was never going to do another lj survey and here I am whithering away
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Pretty much happens on a regular basis; beer, sprite, chips( i know that it's something you eat and not drink jerkface)
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Um maybe?
50. Kissed in the rain?
I like kissing during snowfall more.
51. Sang in the shower?
I haven't in a while, i might have to give that another go
52. Made out in a movie theater?
Only like once or twice, i fucking hate doing it cause i'm a cheap bastard and if i'm gonna pay 9.25 for a movie i wanna watch it
53. Had a dream that you married someone?
I dont remember my dreams
54. Glued your hand to something?
Are you retarded?
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
That only happens in classic Christmas movies. Fragile.
56. Ever gone to school partially naked?
I'm pretty sure they dont allow that...ive gone commando if that counts
57. Been a cheerleader?
There was only one male cheerleader at my school and i think he was from the special ed department
58. Sat on a roof top?
No always been a dream of mine though, not being sarcastic
59. Didn't take a shower for a week?
I think i've gone close to a week and it's quite repulsive.
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
I used to be too scared to watch them period back in the day and i havent seen one that scared me in years
61. Played chicken?
The closest i came is chinese tag, that shit was dangerous
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
i dont think so...i have a bad memory so it's a possibility
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
Some random chick told me i had nice eyes in high school, that was pretty cool
64. Broken a bone?
Broke 2 toes the night before my aunts wedding in vegas cause she got me drunk, good times were had by all
65. Been easily amused?
Lets see i enjoy family guy, hippos who sing about noodles, and no i guess would be the correct answer here
66. Laugh so hard you cry?
all the time
67. Mooned/flashed someone?
yea booya mooned some team and some tournament, i think the other team appreciated it though
68. Cheated on a test?
I friggin hate cheating so much but i did it one time on some lame quiz in ap psych junior year cause the quiz came from a study guide and i didnt feel like memorizing the answers.
69. Forgotten someone's name?
70. Slept naked?
Every night i'm at home unless there's a guest in the house
73. Blacked out from drinking?
74. Played a prank on someone?
O the shit we did to the actors during my years on stage crew were absurd. Gay porn all over set pieces that only the actors could see, vasoline in inopportune places...the list goes on.
75. Gone to a late night movie?
The second matrix, harry potter 4 to name a few
76. Made out to anything not human?
My hand isn't technically a human i suppose...
77. Failed a class?
No but i got a D in NSL sophomore year second quarter, fuckin mctamany can suck a dick. Mmmmkayyyyy
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
hahaha, o ya. My brother and i had these play civil war toys and he would put the little plastic cannon balls in his mouth and spit them out at me so i tried it and swallowed it. That was a fun trip to the hospital.
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
Not straight or in one day, but cumulatively of course.
80. Cheated on a girl/boyfriend?
Not a chance in hell
81. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
You need to be more specific with your question deliberation. This year? Ever? In 1776?
82. Thrown strange objects?
I'm gonna assume i have, i do enjoy throwing things.
83. Felt like killing someone?
Yea all the time in middle school. It's a good thing they dont allow 13 year olds to buy guns.
84. Felt like running away?
Been there done that several times, Oh middle school.
85. Ran away?
See question 84 and stop being repetitive.
86. Did drugs?
Do my chewable Flintstones vitamins that i took when i was 8 count?
87. Had detention and not attend it?
No, i think subconsciously i liked going.
89. Made a parent cry?
Yea i was a jerkface to them up until like senior year of high school
90. Cried over someone?
Just once and it wasn't when i was in this country so um yea... good times
91. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
I hate any utencil other than pencils
92. Dated someone more than once?
93. Had/Have a dog?
No, i've never been allowed to have pets
95. Own an instrument?
2 guitars, tenor saxophone
96. Been in a band?
I made a guest appearance in the Silverfish Project, that never really took off though
97. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
I'm pretty sure that would kill a man
98. Broken a CD?
Hell yea, we used to use AOL demo cds as frisbees and like scratch them up with keys and shit. One time my friend got me some shitty puff daddy and the family cd for my birthday and i had it for several years and decided it'd be fun to snap it into as many pieces as possible since the kid is now a huge douche nozzle.
99. Shot a gun?
Fuck yea, bb gun and riflery champ of Pinemere during my stint there. I rocked that shit. I still prefer archery though.
100. Had feelings for one of your best/good friends?
Yea and man does it suck ass.