Private IM Log. Kevin and Ryoma have a random conversation. Emoness, tennis, and general stuff like that are discussed. There is a fair amount of arguing. :D
Kevin: Hey.
Ryoma: Hey.
Kevin: Why hasn't your name been on.
Kevin: Are you blocking me.
Ryoma: If I was blocking you you wouldn't see me now, idiot.
Kevin: Don't call me that, jerkface.
Kevin: We haven't had a match in a while.
Kevin: What's up with that.
Ryoma: Don't call me jerkface, idiot.
Kevin: Shut up.
Ryoma: It's cold out.
Kevin: Oh, right.
Kevin: Don't they have indoor tennis somewhere though.
Ryoma: And I had tennis superpowers until today.
Ryoma: Yeah. You never called or anything though.
Kevin: Sure you did.
Kevin: What the hell, you don't answer your phone.
Ryoma: I did. Ask anyone!
Kevin: Besides, I've been busy talking to, uh.
Kevin: Someone else.
Ryoma: Someone usually answers the home phone...
Ryoma: Che. Kirihara?
Kevin: ....maybe.
Kevin: Anyway, what do you care.
Kevin: I don't call your home phone.
Ryoma: Maybe you should.
Kevin: Your dad keeps trying to get me to play hungry hungry hippos.
Ryoma: What the hell? Just tell him to screw himself.
Kevin: Who are you talking about/
Kevin: It better not be Kirihara.
Ryoma: My dad.
Kevin: Oh.
Kevin: I don't think I want to say that to him.
Kevin: He's kind of....weird.
Kevin: You know.
Ryoma: Trust me. I know.
Ryoma: Insults are the only things that get past his thick skull though.
Ryoma: ...and even then it's not... you know. All that likely to work.
Kevin: Well then why the hell would I try.
Kevin: You know, I wouldn't have this problem if you'd recharge your stupid phone.
Ryoma: You're like the only one who calls me. Mostly.
Kevin: Does no one else like you.
Ryoma: Other people know to call the home phone.
Kevin: Who are "other people."
Ryoma: Like Momo-senpai and Kaidoh-senpai (when he remembers) and Atobe.
Kevin: Why do you talk to them.
Ryoma: Because I like them. Why do I talk to YOU.
Kevin: Same reason, duh.
Kevin: Why did you list me on that meme anyway.
Kevin: What the hell was that.
Ryoma: Heh. You don't think it's true?
Kevin: No.
Kevin: I just don't like talking to stupid people.
Kevin: What's wrong with that.
Ryoma: Nothing. But it's probably annoying.
Kevin: ...
Kevin: Does it annoy you.
Ryoma: Sometimes.
Kevin: ...
Kevin: Oh.
Ryoma: But hey. Don't worry about it. I don't care. I'm kinda like that too.
Ryoma: I'd have put myself on that thing but that would've looked retarded.
Kevin: Are you saying that just to make me feel better
Kevin: Because don't.
Kevin: That's stupid.
Ryoma: No. I said that to someone else too.
Ryoma: Shishido, I think.
Kevin: What is up with Shishido anyway.
Kevin: He is so moody.
Kevin: It's sort of pissing me off. Why can't he just be normal.
Ryoma: People can't always be normal. Especially when they're teenagers. It's called Teen Angst. Or something.
Kevin: What are you, some sort of expert.
Ryoma: You learn a lot if you pay attention to people.
Ryoma: (...and if your mom watched daytime talk shows that helps too.)
Kevin: I wouldnt know, I live with my dad.
Kevin: And he pretty much sucks.
Ryoma: Hm.
Ryoma: If I were Dr. Phil, I would say something like, 'Tell me - how's that workin' for ya?'
Kevin: Who is that.
Ryoma: A guy. From a show.
Kevin: That's not vague or anything.
Kevin: Is it a good show.
Ryoma: Not really. A big fat bald guy from Texas goes and tells people how to change their lives.
Kevin: ...why would you want to sound like him.
Kevin: That's pretty stupid.
Kevin: I had more respect for you.
Kevin: I guess that's all gone away now.
Ryoma: I was joking, idiot.
Ryoma: Because you were saying something about me being an expert.
Kevin: So you're saying this Phil guy is an expert.
Kevin: He sounds pretty stupid to me.
Ryoma: He is. I'd rather just watch and learn, is what I'm saying. Who needs to get a degree to understand people? That's stupid.
Kevin: Don't those therapist people do that.
Kevin: I thought that's why they got paid for listening to stupid stuff.
Ryoma: Something like that.
Kevin: Dude why do you know about this stuff.
Kevin: I thought you were normal.
Kevin: ...are you having problems.
Ryoma: ...shut up.
Ryoma: What? No.
Kevin: Are you sure.
Kevin: you need to talk about it.
Ryoma: I'm sure. I'm fine. It's other people who're having problems, remember? Like Shishido.
Kevin: Yeah whatever.
Kevin: Why are all of you so freaking...what's that word.
Kevin: Emo.
Ryoma: I thought I explained that. It's the teenage angst.
Ryoma: And I'M not emo.
Ryoma: What the hell.
Kevin: You so are.
Kevin: It's obvious from your posts.
Kevin: Plus your tennis has gotten worse.
Ryoma: What? How's my tennis gotten worse? I've had jewels to make it a billion times better for the past MONTH.
Kevin: It could have been better.
Kevin: Trust me.
Ryoma: Tch, yeah RIGHT.
Kevin: Why are you so full of yourself.
Ryoma: Why are you calling me emo?
Kevin: Because you are.
Kevin: Duh.
Ryoma: That's a dumb answer.
Kevin: You should stop calling true things dumb.
Ryoma: You should stop calling ME emo.
Kevin: Stop telling me what to do.
Ryoma: Stop telling ME what to do first.
Kevin: Stop copying me.
Kevin: What is your problem.
Ryoma: I'm not. Jeez.
Kevin: You are. Stop it.
Kevin: I don't care if you want to be like me. Just don't do it to my face.
Kevin: It's creepy.
Ryoma: What? Who's wanting to be like who? You're one to talk, Kevin.
Kevin: ...what does that mean.
Ryoma: It means you copied every single move of mine before playing me. Lame.
Kevin: Whatever, I just wanted to beat you.
Kevin: There is nothing lame about being dedicated to whooping your ass.
Ryoma: Heh. But you didn't. Copying will get you nowhere.
Kevin: Whatever. I had that other shot.
Kevin: Why are you so scared of playing me anyway.
Ryoma: I'm not scared. Wanna have a match sometime this weekend?
Kevin: Wanna get your ass kicked.
Kevin: Because I can do that.
Ryoma: No you can't.
Ryoma: I'm a little worried about Shiraishi though.
Ryoma: But don't tell anyone I said that.
Ryoma: Or I'll kick your ass.
Kevin: Who is that.
Kevin: I don't know.
Kevin: That's a stupid name anyway.
Ryoma: A guy. He wants to play me.
Kevin: ...I thought you were with Atobe.
Ryoma: I am. What the hell.
Kevin: Then who is this other guy.
Kevin: What do you care if you win.
Ryoma: I'm saying that I might NOT win. But.. I should. Probably.
Ryoma: He's really good.
Kevin: Whatever.
Kevin: You can kick his ass.
Kevin: You're like a prodigy or whatever.
Kevin: So just...train or something.
Ryoma: Hmm. I guess my match against you could be a warm-up.
Kevin: ....what.
Ryoma: Heh.
Kevin: Shut up, Ryoma.
Kevin: I'll go easy on you.
Kevin: So I don't make you cry.
Kevin: Otherwise you won't be able to win.
Ryoma: You're full of it.
Kevin: No, that's you.
Ryoma: If you go easy on me you'll get crushed into the ground, idiot.
Kevin: No I won't.
Kevin: I haven't been slacking on my practice.
Ryoma: Neither have I. ...much.
Kevin: Yeah you have.
Ryoma: Shut up.
Kevin: ....what. It's true.
Kevin: If you don't practice you get worse.
Ryoma: Barely.
Kevin: You should stop obsessing over ponta and get on the courts more often.
Ryoma: ...
Kevin: ...what.
Kevin: Are you having trouble typing.
Ryoma: If I was having trouble typing I wouldn't have been able to do three dots.
Kevin: Well how would I know.
Kevin: It's not like you say anything.
Ryoma: Common sense.
Ryoma: I didn't want to.
Kevin: No, common sense would be you typing instead of using ellipses, dork.
Kevin: What am I, a mindreader.
Ryoma: I don't obsess over Ponta.
Kevin: Yeah you do.
Kevin: You drink it all the time.
Ryoma: That's not obsessed.
Kevin: Whatever.
Kevin: It is.
Kevin: I don't know why you don't just admit it.
Ryoma: I like Ponta.
Ryoma: But I love tennis.
Kevin: ...and
Kevin: .
Ryoma: Huh?
Kevin: What's your point I mean.
Ryoma: Just clarifying.
Kevin: For what purpose.
Ryoma: Your purpose. I dunno.
Kevin: What the hell, my purpose.
Kevin: Don't throw your lameness back on me.
Ryoma: You're really annoying.
Ryoma: You belonged on that list for sure.
Kevin: ...
Kevin: know what.
Kevin: You suck.
Ryoma: So do you.
Kevin: Not really.
Kevin: Anyway. Uh. You'll be fine.
Kevin: Or whatever.
Ryoma: Fine? For what? Of course I'm fine.
Kevin: For that game.
Kevin: Stop worrying about it.
Kevin: You know you'll win. It's what you do.
Kevin: You're a freak about that stuff.
Ryoma: Hmph. I lose sometimes.
Ryoma: Especially against strong people. Like buchou. And Sanada.
Kevin: Who.
Ryoma: Nevermind. Point is that I lose sometimes.
Kevin: Not lots.
Kevin: So what does it matter.
Ryoma: If I don't win the first time I will the second time. That's what I do.
Kevin: Why are you telling me this as if I've never watched a match of yours.
Kevin: you want someone there for moral support.
Ryoma: Pfft, no.
Ryoma: If you were there he would try hitting on you too.
Kevin: ....what.
Kevin: Who.
Kevin: Gross.
Ryoma: I think he likes me or something. Very gross.
Kevin: Are you talking about that Shisharishish guy.
Ryoma: Yeah. Who else.
Kevin: I don't know.
Kevin: You keep talking about weird stuff.
Ryoma: You keep bring up weird stuff. Moral support, yeah right.
Kevin: I was trying to be nice.
Kevin: I won't try it again.
Kevin: Jeez, you and Shishido pretty much suck sometimes.
Ryoma: My least sincere apologies.
Kevin: Just shut up already.
Kevin: Anyway when are we playing.
Ryoma: Tomorrow?
Ryoma: After lunch? Or maybe before.
Kevin: Pick a time, stupid.
Ryoma: 1.
Kevin: In the afternoon.
Ryoma: Duh.
Kevin: Don't "duh" me.
Kevin: Anyway, I can't do it at 1.
Kevin: It has to be at 2 or later.
Ryoma: Because I really meant one in the morning.
Ryoma: Whatever, two then.
Kevin: Your sarcasm is crap, you know that right.
Kevin: Fine. Two.
Kevin: At the street courts.
Ryoma: But what if it's cold?
Kevin: What are you, a pansy.
Kevin: Bring a jacket, lamer.
Ryoma: We can meet there and then we can go to this indoor place.
Ryoma: I don't like the cold.
Kevin: ....what indoor place.
Ryoma: It's nearby. It's got ball machine and a couple courts.
Kevin: Fine. I don't see why you're so afraid to play outside.
Ryoma: I'm not afraid.
Ryoma: I just don't like the cold.
Kevin: Yeah right.
Kevin: Fine, two PM, indoors.
Kevin: And I'll go easy on you.
Kevin: So you don't cry before.
Ryoma: Go easy on me and die.
Ryoma: But whatever.
Kevin: Way to be melodramatic.
Kevin: ...
Kevin: Do you need to give you a wake up call tomorrow morning.
Ryoma: What? I'll be up. Jeez.
Ryoma: I'm not that pathetic.
Kevin: Fine.
Kevin: So I'll see you there.
Kevin: ...and uh.
Kevin: If you're hungry we can get lunch. If not, just shut up.
Kevin: Anyway, I have to go to sleep.
Ryoma: Fine.
Kevin: Fine
Ryoma: Sleep.
Kevin: Great.
Kevin: I will.
Kevin: Say bye.
Ryoma: Good.
Ryoma: Bye.
Kevin: Bye.
Kevin: And see you tomorrow.
Ryoma: Yeah. That too.