Feb 17, 2011 09:47
So, here's my big confession to you, my readers - I've been so far down a well for a while, feeling like ages. Big personal life changes, big work changes, all kinds of stuff going on, for seeming, forever.
I don't read as much here as I used to, nor comment, nor even post. I've barely been out socially in some time.
The worst part is that in recognizing and coming to accept this, I also know that there isn't a lot that I'm going to manage to change about that in the next year either.
But I miss y'all. Lots.
And I'd love to hear from you.
In the spirit of an else-LJ confessional going on, I'd like to invite you to strike up some conversation, tell me about your big things I've probably missed or passed over. Tell me my big things I've missed and passed over. This is more about connection than confession, but I like the other thread's dynamic, so I'm trying something like that here. Comments are by default screened (so you can tell me without telling the world), and anonymous comments are allowed (and IP logging is off) in case you just want to share like that. If you'd *like* your comment unscreened, please explicitly say so. Otherwise, I'll leave it screened (and not reply in-lj since that automatically unscreens screened comments!)