(no subject)

Apr 06, 2006 11:56

I know that I have only made a few posts in the last month or so, but it is because I have been busy. So a few updates about things and then a few random funny things that happened so far today.

I have been kicking academic ass, going to classes and actually doing well and stuff. All of these things are very nice.

I am working at Cowboy Monkey now because my friend is the general manager and basically one day he said "so you want a job or what?"

The whole "actually going to class and doing school work" thing is a major drag on social activities. It's a drag on other things too. Just things like what is going on in the world and looking at various news websites. I need to improve on this behavior.

I played tennis yesterday and got a blister on my thumb. The problem is that one side of it popped, so every time I touch or grab anything, the skin on the outside irritates the blister. I want to cut off the dead skin, but I recall being told sometime that you aren't supposed to do that because it exposes the more sensitive skin underneath. Someone give me some medical advice on this. This is where Lionel gets to pretend to be an EMT.


It has rained/stormed 3 of the last 5 days. If the weather continues like this, there better be a crapload of May flowers.

When I was going to class this morning, it was raining pretty hard and there was a guy skateboarding down the street. I am not too authoritative on skateboarding, but I had the thought: aren't you not supposed to do it in the rain? Isn't it bad for the bearings or more dangerous or something? About 10 seconds after I had this thought, the dude totally wiped out in the middle of the street. He had one foot on the board and as he was pushing off the ground to gain more speed, something went wrong and he totally bit it. I kind of felt bad and was slightly concerned that he might be hurt, but apparently he was more concerned with his damaged pride than his leg, arm or face, because he quickly scooped up the board and went on his way. Damn, that must have hurt.

In the classroom I was in this morning, there was a chair propping a window open. It was kind of cool so the professor asked a student to take the chair out of the window and close it. As he was attempting to do so, the student misjudged the chair's center of balance and extricated it not by bringing it into the classroom, but instead by accidentally dropping it out the window. From the third floor of the building. I wonder if that hit anybody. Maybe the skateboarder.

It's been a weird day thus far...
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