Track 11 - He's Not Here

Oct 17, 2011 16:44

Action - 947 Beulah - Late Morning - Open

[It was supposed to be a good day. It really was. Yosuke was up earlier than normal, but he was alive and full of energy. He'd made breakfast, had a nice stretch, and was on his way out the door. When he pulled up]

"'Ey! Mistah Hanamura! Rin almost ready? I was gonna give her a lift to school!"

[The ( Read more... )

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Morning doublerinbow October 17 2011, 21:58:46 UTC
[So Rin got the hint to hide inside when she noticed that Yosuke was talking to Souji's drone outside the house. This happened way too often. Well, it looked like she would be ditching her classes today in an attempt to avoid him. Instead, she decided to practice her guitar in the basement.

So for a while, he'll be left alone, except for perhaps being aware of the muffled music. She's been doing it while he's been out, though, so after the last song, she comes up and of course, spots her not-brother looking ... out of sorts. She sighs where she's at. No matter what, this isn't going to be a fun day, is it?

So she crosses over and puts a hand on the arm of the couch.]

Hey~. ♪


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 00:15:11 UTC
[He looks over at Rin, and actually manages a smile. The day's given him anything but something to be happy about, but...]

Hey, do me a favor?

Bring that guitar up here and rock out. Let me jump around like an idiot for a few minutes.


doublerinbow October 18 2011, 00:34:27 UTC
[she blinks, then smiles back]

You got it. One sec! ♪

[... a little bit of running back and forth to set it up later, Rin stands there with her guitar.]

I found this song on my computer a while back. I think you'll like it. It's called Hi-Fi Girl. ♪

[she makes sure everything is in order, and then .... she starts jamming and singing as hard as she can. She really wants to give him a good show.]


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 01:11:36 UTC
[It only takes a minute for him to really get into the music. Setting his headphones aside, Yosuke gets up and starts jumping around and dancing, getting into it and going wild like it's the biggest concert he's been to in his entire life. It's pure release, and it's exactly what he needed as he dances out his excess frustrations and sadness in one madcap burst of energy. When it's over he's tired but smiling as he flops back on the couch]

You really are amazing, Rin-chan.


doublerinbow October 18 2011, 04:05:57 UTC
[she had her own frustration to burn off with that song, and it seemed to flow out of her for a moment... unfortunately, she didn't know the extent of the situation yet, so she'd just have to revisit it later. Plus, it was still kind of fun watching him flop around wildly. A bit different from a real concert, but as a Vocaloid, Rin was meant to live for this kind of thing.]

Well, I'm happy to help, Yosuke-nii. Is that all you wanted to hear? ♪


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 04:37:12 UTC
For now, yeah.

... [He can't keep it hidden forever]

I... I have to tell you. Souji's gone, Rin.

For good.


doublerinbow October 18 2011, 19:26:43 UTC
... What?

[Souji, gone? But ... no, how could that be? Rin's friends are the ones that stay. They had almost lasted the full year together. True, it had been a while since she had seen him, but that was because things had gotten awkward between them, right? When could he have been droned? This had to be a joke. Yosuke-nii's a better liar than she gave him credit for.]

- Moron, don't say that! ♪


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 19:40:13 UTC
[It's not that he can't sympathize - he can. Better than anyone else here. He'd gone through that same denial as well. But she has to face it and he's out of ways to sugarcoat it right now]

I don't joke about losing my best friend! He's gone.


doublerinbow October 19 2011, 02:20:20 UTC

[she puts down her guitar. Then she crosses her arms. She's... angry.]

It ... no! It can't end this way. ♪

... But even if he comes back, he won't remember me...


princeofjunes October 19 2011, 05:08:45 UTC

[For the first time today, his voice chokes. It was bound to happen sooner or later]

I'm sorry, Rin... I know he meant a lot to you.


1/2 doublerinbow October 21 2011, 00:22:10 UTC
W-Well. Our relationship was kinda strange, but... ♪

[she shakes her head. She didn't really want to admit a soft spot for him, but it was too late for that now, wasn't it?]

I'm angry. Why did this happen now? I thought...


doublerinbow October 21 2011, 00:26:15 UTC
[she takes a breath.]

I thought there was a difference between the people that go and the people that stay. That people who stay a long time are just stuck... it's not fair. ♪


princeofjunes October 21 2011, 04:41:01 UTC
[He's at a loss for words right now, because she's saying a lot of what he's felt this morning. But she's his little sister, and he can't just say nothing. So he gets up and gives her a hug because that's what big brothers do, right? They give their little sisters hugs]

I know it's not fair. It's the biggest bunch of shit ever. But we've got to try and stay strong, right? For him?


doublerinbow October 21 2011, 05:32:05 UTC
[she doesn't hug him back, but she hangs her head]

How can I do it for him? We're strangers now. And now his drone is going to bug me every day and I'm going to get so sick of seeing his stupid face! ♪

[...ugh, to hell with it. She finally reaches up and hugs Yosuke back, falling silent. She appreciates the comfort she can get.]


princeofjunes October 21 2011, 09:47:13 UTC
... yeah, you're right. That's a bunch of shit too.

[Because the truth is so much simpler than that]

We need to stay strong for each other. I want you to stay strong for me. Because if you do that, I can find the guts to stay tough for you, and maybe we can all get through this stupid... stupid shit.


doublerinbow October 23 2011, 06:34:05 UTC
[sigh... he's right, of course. But what does it mean to be strong? She bites her lip as she thinks about it. Then she pulls back away.]

... Okay. Um, I won't cry. ♪

[that's a start, right?]


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