Track 11 - He's Not Here

Oct 17, 2011 16:44

Action - 947 Beulah - Late Morning - Open

[It was supposed to be a good day. It really was. Yosuke was up earlier than normal, but he was alive and full of energy. He'd made breakfast, had a nice stretch, and was on his way out the door. When he pulled up]

"'Ey! Mistah Hanamura! Rin almost ready? I was gonna give her a lift to school!"

[The ( Read more... )

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Phone fatedmagica October 17 2011, 21:05:14 UTC

[ Madoka repeats the name sympathetically. Then pauses, considering what to say next. She knows it isn't her place, but can't imagine anyone would be happy to say that. She's really worried. ]

um.... Are you okay, sir?


princeofjunes October 17 2011, 21:09:22 UTC
[A friend of Souji's? Sounds like it, but not one he's met. He's not sure how to respond, but it doesn't matter. He's in no position to think of a response. Yosuke just talks]

As okay as I can be. He wouldn't want me to spend a lot of time moping over this, but... it's hard to just let it go.


fatedmagica October 17 2011, 21:20:19 UTC
[ Vaguely. Madoka's mainly just super worried about you, Yosuke, the guy she knows zip about except that he might be sad. ]

I... I know. It... it really is.

[ pauses, trying not to let herself relate to the feeling. ]

Um-... I know it isn't my place to say, but... but friends don't want us to be sad over them because they love us and um... um, being sad means you love them a lot too, so... I don't think... Moping over a friend. It's not bad, so... [ mumble mumble, watch as all of her confidence just disappears. ]


princeofjunes October 17 2011, 21:33:30 UTC
[Even over the phone, the amount of cuteness being sent his way is great. It's enough to even lift his spirits somewhat, Yosuke giving a weak smile that she can't see]

Then I think I'll mope for a while. But I'll get through this. There are too many people here I don't want to let down. I'll do his share too.


fatedmagica October 17 2011, 21:35:33 UTC
Ah... mm... mm, okay. If you need anything, um... I'm Madoka Kaname. I'd be happy to help in any way that I can, okay...?


princeofjunes October 17 2011, 21:46:24 UTC
Thanks, Madoka.

[It might not help him in the long run, but he's curious]

So... how did you know Souji?


fatedmagica October 17 2011, 22:09:30 UTC
I um... spoke to him, once, but I um... I didn't talk to him much else. I was... a bit scared, back then.

[ Madoka is afraid of cool people. ]

I wish I had taken more time to talk to him, though... He seemed nice.


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 00:07:40 UTC
[He closes his eyes and kicks back in whatever chair he's sitting in, reminiscing]

You would have really liked him, Madoka. He's the kind of guy who's always there for you. Always seemed to know the right thing to say. And even when he didn't it wound up being okay anyway. He and I got into a fist fight here. Guy even cracked my rib, but we were better off after the fight. That's just how he is.


fatedmagica October 18 2011, 00:10:58 UTC
[ CRACKED RIBS? Excuse Madoka while she has an internal freak out over that. ]

I-I see... he did seem like that sort of person. I'm really glad, at least, that I could meet him for even just a second... You two sound like you were really close. [ She closes her eyes, thinking for a moment of who that description reminded her of. ] I'm sure he thinks the same about you too. You seem like a really wonderful person.


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 00:24:50 UTC
He was my best friend. I hope we were close.

[He lets out a small chuckle]

If I'm a good person, it's only because I met him. Who knows where I'd be otherwise.


fatedmagica October 18 2011, 00:26:46 UTC
u...un. Friends definitely make us stronger people, right...?

[ Quick, Madoka, numb your mind and don't think about home. Focusing on Yosuke. ]

Is he from your home world? I'm sure you'll meet again either way, but...


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 00:40:46 UTC
Yeah, he is. I'll see him again once I'm back there, I just... we've been through some crazy stuff together, you know?

... dammit, I forgot to introduce myself again, didn't I? I'm Yosuke Hanamura.


fatedmagica October 18 2011, 00:45:20 UTC
Nn-nn. That's okay, Yosuke-kun. It's really nice to meet you.

[ She giggles a bit, to forcefully bring her spirits up, before adding: ] I'm glad, though. Going through crazy stuff with friends... it definitely helps you appreciate them, doesn't it?


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 01:44:51 UTC
Likewise, Madoka-chan. And it really does.

I know no one's happy to be stuck here, but I hope you're meeting some good ones while you are.


fatedmagica October 18 2011, 01:58:14 UTC
I... I don't mind so much anymore, b-but... mm-mm. I have met many nice people here. I hope that the same goes for you!


princeofjunes October 18 2011, 03:34:41 UTC
I have. I'll keep my head up for them, because as long as we're still here there's a fight to fight.

[And maybe if he keeps telling himself that, he can get through the rest of the week]


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