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4-A I wanted to tag so many of these prompts... ^^; pretty_bear August 19 2011, 17:45:42 UTC
Y- Yosuke?

[Teddie's first week in Mayfield has been kind of... hectic. After what happened when he drank the milk, and after hearing about the things that were happening to everyone else, he wasn't about to try that again. But then Rin-chan had done it. And she had suffered. And now Yosuke had been taking the full burden on himself. All because Teddie was too much of a coward to face a little poisoned milk.]

Are you okay...?

He regrets asking immediately, because even he knows that's a stupid question.]


I won't complain if you want to tag another =D princeofjunes August 19 2011, 20:28:54 UTC
[Dammit. That's what he gets for crying on the table. He hadn't wanted them to see him like this, hadn't wanted them to see how hard it was to keep this up. But it wasn't like he could hide it forever. He lifts his head, wiping away some of the tears with the back of his sleeve]

Y-yeah... sorry you [sniffle] saw ths, Ted...

Just... just a long week.


pretty_bear August 20 2011, 19:30:28 UTC
[He looks down at the floor, feeling like he might start crying himself.]

I'm the one who should apologize. After what happened, I was scared to drink it myself. And then Rin-chan... and you...


I'm sorry....


princeofjunes August 22 2011, 18:50:37 UTC

[His voice is more forceful than he even expected himself, but he looks over at Ted with his last bit of courage gleaming behind those bloodshot eyes]

No one made me do this but me. And even if you wanted to drink the stuff, I wouldn't let you.

I'm not about to let you guys suffer when I can stop it, so don't even think of blaming yourself, Teddie.


pretty_bear August 23 2011, 00:38:09 UTC

[He's a little taken aback. And also... impressed. The kind of impressed he usually only associates with Sensei. Teddie wishes he was half that brave. Nevertheless...]

But.... but it's not fair for you to have to do this all on your own! It's not fair for anyone to have to suffer like this. At all....


princeofjunes August 23 2011, 00:56:39 UTC
No, it's not fair.

But... [He shifts uncomfortably. Is this the sort of thing he really wants to share with Teddie?

But then, he can't keep it bottled up inside anymore. He needs to talk to someone, and Teddie's there, so it all comes pouring out]

You know, at first I was doing this because I felt useless. Like I couldn't do anything without my persona. But this proves it, Teddie. I can protect the people I want to without my persona. I just need to have the courage and guts to do it. I'm not a slave to that side of me - I use it's power. I don't depend on it.

So don't feel bad, alright? Just... try and make sure I don't do anything too stupid today. No razors in the milk, so who knows what'll happen.


pretty_bear August 23 2011, 01:28:31 UTC
[Feeling useless? That's something Teddie can understand. He nods firmly.]

You can count on me, Yosuke!

[There is the briefest pause, then...]

I'll do my bear-y best.

[He was.... actually trying to cheer him up there. 'Cause it's funny. Get it? Beary?]


princeofjunes August 23 2011, 01:31:25 UTC
[Oh my god Teddie that pun was horrible]

[But there's something so normal and comforting about it that he can't help but laugh despite himself]

I knew I could count on you. Make sure your big sister doesn't get into trouble too, okay?


pretty_bear August 23 2011, 01:37:42 UTC
[Yay, it worked.]

Don't worry, I promise I'll take good care of Rin-chan!

[He's gonna try anyway. He's determined.]


princeofjunes August 23 2011, 01:39:47 UTC
[He smiles, even as he can feel something scratching at the back of his mind. Seems like the milk's starting to kick in, but he can't show it yet. For Teddie's sake]

Thanks. I owe you one, Teddie.


pretty_bear August 23 2011, 01:51:01 UTC
Don't mention it~

[Hmm, a thought occurs...]

Actually, where is Rin-chan? Is she still upstairs...?

[He wonders if he should check. It's hard to look after someone when you don't know where they are.]


princeofjunes August 23 2011, 01:52:32 UTC
[And there it is - the perfect opportunity to slip away and suffer in silence. Thank you, Teddie]

Yeah, I think so. You should go take a look. I'm counting on you, Teddie!


pretty_bear August 23 2011, 01:56:22 UTC
[He is so eager to help, he doesn't even realize....]

You got it! I'll go right now to make sure she's okay.

[/Off to barge into not!sister's room.]


princeofjunes August 23 2011, 01:59:11 UTC
[He smiles at Teddie's back as he runs off, though he feels a little bad about misleading the bear like that. Standing, he slips away from the table and heads for the door.]

[Time to face the town again.]


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