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August 19, 2-C, comic book shop demonoaths August 18 2011, 12:49:08 UTC
[Oh, look, it's Mao.

He looks pretty steamed over the stuff he did just last Tuesday, which was downright embarrassing and certainly won't win him any points in the Overlord department.

Probably why he's hunkered down in that corner reading comic books. Unread ones are in a pile beside him, and boy is that pile big.]


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 16:37:43 UTC
[As Yosuke stumbles into the comic shop, he seems fairly inconspicuous at first, aside from the fact that he's stumbling around the shop and giggling madly like a drunk. Still, he seems to at least grasp where he glances over at a cover, decides he is a hero and can in fact fly, then holds his arms out as he goes WHOOOOOOOOOSH around the store.

When he gets near Mao, he stops and looks him over - but it's not the right white haired boy he's seeing sitting there with a huge stack of comics.]


You... you're not reading those gay comics, are you? And like, getting turned on here in the store?


demonoaths August 19 2011, 05:48:12 UTC
[Mao looks up from the comic book he's currently reading and immediately reins in a spit-take. What kind of idiot pretends he's flying in a public place?]

I'm not Kanji! And these comics aren't gay either.


princeofjunes August 19 2011, 05:58:34 UTC
[It's not pretending. He IS flying! Also his eyes are incredibly unfocused]

Oh! You're not Kanji? Are you his evil twin from another dimension who is the opposite of him in every way so since he would read gay comics you're reading all the straight stuff?

[He gasps for breath at the end of that particularly long sentence, then cackles like mad]


demonoaths August 19 2011, 06:03:09 UTC
...I've never even met him before.


princeofjunes August 19 2011, 06:08:53 UTC

[He blinks a few times, his eyes trying so hard to focus. Oh, so that's not Kanji! Huh, go figure.]

So! You're a superhero like me then? I can fly!


demonoaths August 19 2011, 06:11:16 UTC
I'm not a hero, I'm an Overlord! And just in case you don't know, running around the comic book shop with your arms out is not flying.


princeofjunes August 19 2011, 06:20:55 UTC
This isn't a comic shop, it's a museum! With all these awesome history exhibits! And I'm so flying, you don't have to get jealous just because you're only an Overlord.


demonoaths August 20 2011, 09:46:04 UTC
You're hallucinating. [He knows because he went through it.] And why would I be jealous of you?!


princeofjunes August 20 2011, 09:54:05 UTC
I'm not hallucinating!


By the way, your hair is trying to eat you. It told me so.


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