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3-B elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 10:32:35 UTC
[Walking into the store looking well, MORE pale than usual there is Elizabeth, occasionally dabbing her forehead with a wash cloth and looking like she's running a major fever, but peering through the records]

"There is a tune from times yet to come that I was searching for...."


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 10:40:09 UTC
[The tune is a fairly happy 50's pop song, or would be if Yosuke didn't keep intentionally scratching it like a madman before removing the needle entirely]

Oh, right. So that's how it is. You walk in here demanding a song that doesn't even exist yet, and I just have to drop everything to find it for you!

Alright, princess. What song.


elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 10:47:26 UTC
[In a sing songy tone]

"Every day's great at your... Something..."

[She ponders]


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 11:49:00 UTC
... junes.

[His voice is barely a whisper, his entire body shaking slightly as memories come flooding in. Memories of home, of working, of Saki-senpai and the case, of Nanako-chan and the darkest months of all their lives. How could he forget. How could he ever forget, or take them so lightly, or for a moment hesitate about going home.

Anger turns to sorrow in a second as he fights the tears welling up in his eyes, the song coming out raggedly]

E-every day's great... at... y-your Junes...


elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 11:57:38 UTC
"Yes... That is the one! The one where the next ordeal is to take place... Do you have it?"

[She blinks and peers at him]


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 12:07:15 UTC
[It takes him a few moments to recover from the tears, but when he does he seems almost normal. Let's see how long it lasts]

... the jingle's actually on my mp3 player, but I don't have it as a record. Like you said, it doesn't exist yet.


elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 12:08:55 UTC
"My sister will probably be the one to help in that ordeal... And feeling as I am... I wished to think of her. Perhaps it sounds silly."


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 16:11:44 UTC
N-no, it's not silly...

[He seems close to tears again, but he's holding it together]

I-I'll stop by when I get my player back... let you take a listen.


elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 16:53:36 UTC
[She tilts her head a bit]

"Hrm... Have you been caught in the terror of the milk and had your emotions thrown askew?"


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 17:05:58 UTC
[Yes. Yes he has. But instead of saying that his expression goes back to angry]

Oh, right! So just because I get a little damn teary eyed, obviously something is screwing with my emotions! It's not like a guy can EVER get a little sad!


elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 17:16:54 UTC
[She just stares at him and shakes her head]


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 21:04:10 UTC
[He grips the counter tightly, knuckles turning white as he tries to get himself under control for even the briefest moment.]

Y-yeah... drank the milk today.


elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 21:07:43 UTC
"I believe you have completed your duties of employment then. Perhaps it would be best to return to a point where you can calm the furies in your mind."

[She nods, then stumbles a bit, shaking her head and dabbing her washrag against it a bit]


princeofjunes August 18 2011, 21:22:09 UTC
[He can feel himself getting angry again - angry at the town, angry at the milk, angry at his stupid ass for drinking it three days straight and in a blind fury he grabs the record off the player and snaps it in half, breathing hard. That seems to do enough to calm him for a moment]

Don't... don't want the family to have to deal with this.

What about you? You don't look great either.


elevatoravatar August 18 2011, 21:23:35 UTC
"There is no one in my home to drink the milk... Imagine a murderous drone with the power of persona? That and the drones there are.... Bothersome on the best days."


princeofjunes August 19 2011, 01:23:41 UTC


Stupid- stupid drones! Always watching, always acting like this is the perfect damn town!

We should just kill them all! Burn this fucking town to the ground! BURN IT ALL! Then we won't have to do this anymore!

[What's that? No, he's totally not unhinged at all!]


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