Track 08 - I'll Be There

Jul 29, 2011 02:47

[PHONE - AFTERNOON - Filtered to: Persona casts (all), Ruri, Shana, SHIKI, Gilgamesh, Lancer, anyone I forgot that he has a moderate amount of CR with]

Hey guys, it's Yosuke. I just thought I'd check in, see how everyone's doing. I know it's been sort of rough lately, so...


[He's been coming here a lot lately. It really ( Read more... )

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phone kickassncrafts July 30 2011, 21:56:55 UTC
I'm fine I guess.

[Not really all that fine, he checks Naoto's drone regularly. BUT NO ONE HAS TO KNOW.]


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 22:23:37 UTC
You sure?

I've been a little worried about you, man. I haven't seen you much.


kickassncrafts July 30 2011, 22:27:19 UTC
I've been around, maybe we just missed each other.


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 22:38:20 UTC
Yeah, maybe.

You know I'm a dad now, right?


kickassncrafts July 30 2011, 22:47:48 UTC
[Way to say that in the worst way possible.]

You're what?

W-we ain't been here that long I-I-I mean--


princeofjunes July 31 2011, 06:02:17 UTC
[It was intentional, Kanji. You just fell into Yosuke's trap.]

Yeah, the town made me the dad in some house. On my birthday.

A month ago.

Seriously, what have you been up to? Something's not right.


kickassncrafts August 4 2011, 08:01:51 UTC
You can't just say somethin' like that and--

Your birthday was a month ago?


princeofjunes August 4 2011, 08:23:41 UTC
Yeah, I just said that.

Come on, man. You're starting to worry me. What's got you so preoccupied?


kickassncrafts August 5 2011, 03:11:44 UTC
Nothin', really. It's just... You know.

[Yeah, that makes sense, right.]


princeofjunes August 5 2011, 04:32:44 UTC
[No, it does not make sense. But Yosuke has a pretty good idea, so he takes a stab in the dark that is not one at all.]

... Naoto?


kickassncrafts August 5 2011, 04:47:12 UTC
[SILENCE. Obvious Kanji is obvious.]


princeofjunes August 5 2011, 04:51:47 UTC
... I know how you feel, man.

[And then he's silent for a few moments. He's never been great at this stuff - not like Souji is. What does he even say? He can't just leave Kanji hanging, he's a friend.]

Look, a friend of mine told me some stuff about droning. You want to hear it?


kickassncrafts August 5 2011, 05:00:38 UTC
[A bit uncertainly:] What about it?


princeofjunes August 5 2011, 05:02:46 UTC
Well, it's a theory. So it might not be true, and I can't really explain it right.

But she said that she's pretty sure these bodies are all just copies of us that they somehow forced our brains into. So when people are droned, it might just be their mind escaping back to the real world. Our world.

It might just be that she's free now.


kickassncrafts August 5 2011, 05:04:56 UTC
...Someone put our brains in clone bodies?


princeofjunes August 5 2011, 05:07:50 UTC
Don't ask me why, man. And it's not like I asked to see her evidence, but I guess she has at least some proof that it might be true.

And not actual brains, just. Our minds, or whatever.


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