Track 08 - I'll Be There

Jul 29, 2011 02:47

[PHONE - AFTERNOON - Filtered to: Persona casts (all), Ruri, Shana, SHIKI, Gilgamesh, Lancer, anyone I forgot that he has a moderate amount of CR with]

Hey guys, it's Yosuke. I just thought I'd check in, see how everyone's doing. I know it's been sort of rough lately, so...


[He's been coming here a lot lately. It really ( Read more... )

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Park tenebrousking July 30 2011, 03:33:33 UTC
[It is, perhaps, less peaceful than Yosuke may hope it to be. He probably doesn't want the round to be rumbling under his feet, at any rate, but it unfortunately begins to do so sometime during his meditations.]


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 03:58:50 UTC
[No, the rumbling ground usually isn't on the list of things he wants, and the boy practically leaps off the chair, looking around. Is it an earthquake? How likely are the trees to fall and crush him? Why does this crap always happen to him...]


tenebrousking July 30 2011, 04:30:30 UTC
[His guess is fairly close to the mark, though luckily, it isn't an actual earthquake. No, just a 200 pound red alligator breaking out of the ground somewhere nearby and grinning viciously.

Yosuke doesn't seem to have much luck with Grimsley's Pokemon.]


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 06:25:34 UTC
[His jaw simply drops at the gigantic alligator as he stops and stares. It doesn't seem like something the town would do, so he's not terrified enough to run or fight it - but seriously.


What is this. What is his life.]


tenebrousking July 30 2011, 06:30:30 UTC
[As Krookodile grins even wider, beginning to lumber closer to Yosuke, it thankfully disappears in a flash of red light. Red-faced to match his Pokemon, Grimsley appears panting slightly and out of breath from the distance, holding up the Pokeball.]

Man. Lose your.... partner for three months and... Phew. Everything alright there?


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 09:47:16 UTC
[His jaw quite possibly stuck open, Yosuke simply looks between the hole in the ground, the place where Krockodile was, and the ball in Grimsley's hand. He does this several times before he's able to form coherent words - though it's not much of a thought.]

Dude! Again?!


tenebrousking July 30 2011, 14:54:47 UTC
[Grimsley will reflect on this for a moment or two.]

Did you call Krookodile a dog this time?


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 20:21:09 UTC
NO! Why the hell would I call a lizard a-

Never mind that, why the hell was it underground! And why did it look like it wanted to eat me?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?


tenebrousking July 31 2011, 03:36:27 UTC
Simply testing your sense of alertness. The town could, ah. Spring much worse than killer crocs on us at any moment, after all.

Krookodile happens to live in the desert. It swims through sand, you see.


princeofjunes July 31 2011, 06:00:45 UTC
Alertness my ass - did you even know I was over here?! It probably just got away from you, and now you're trying to sound cool and explain it away.

I thought all these things were supposed to answer to your beck and call?


tenebrousking July 31 2011, 13:12:52 UTC
I don't know about cool a spur of the moment response you understand; it's hardly my fault it hasn't been fed in a quarter of a year.

Ah. Not that they eat humans, but you can't blame it for being grouchy, either.


princeofjunes July 31 2011, 18:39:47 UTC
[Yosuke groans as he stands there, awkwardly looking between Grimsley and the spot where his lizard was.]

I guess if I was caged for three months I'd be ready to let loose too.

Hey, why don't you tell me about the rest of your fighting monster things? That way none of the rest give me a heart attack.


tenebrousking August 1 2011, 00:06:00 UTC
[Grimsley brightens up a little.]


There's Liepard, pure Dark, cunning and agile. It has the tendency to launch sneak attacks. Sharpedo, a shark - don't touch it, you'll tear apart your hands. Scrafty, part-Fighting, highly belligerent and skilled in unorthodox techniques. Drapion, a scorpion. Spits poison and all of that fun.

Those are merely the ones on my active team, of course.


princeofjunes August 1 2011, 00:13:17 UTC
[What the hell Grimsley. Why do you keep these killing machines with you.

... even if they carry your groceries.]

Alright, so Liepard sounds like it looks like a leapord, staying away from sharks is easy enough. What about Scrafty? What's it look like? Saying it's part fighting doesn't tell me anything.


tenebrousking August 1 2011, 00:19:28 UTC
Staying away? Here I thought you'd want to befriend them. Scrafty is, er.

[Grimsley tries to think of a descriptor that isn't 'punk bipedal lizard'. He fails.]

A sort of bipedal lizard with a mohawk.


princeofjunes August 1 2011, 20:59:21 UTC
Well, I might try and get buddy buddy with the ones that won't rip my hands apart. You can apologize to the shark for me.


A lizard with a mohawk.

So... what, bipedal lizards have a rebellious phase?


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