Track 08 - I'll Be There

Jul 29, 2011 02:47

[PHONE - AFTERNOON - Filtered to: Persona casts (all), Ruri, Shana, SHIKI, Gilgamesh, Lancer, anyone I forgot that he has a moderate amount of CR with]

Hey guys, it's Yosuke. I just thought I'd check in, see how everyone's doing. I know it's been sort of rough lately, so...


[He's been coming here a lot lately. It really ( Read more... )

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kinpika July 29 2011, 17:20:11 UTC
I'm doing good! What about yourself?


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 20:14:08 UTC
I can't really complain - I mean, I can because we're all still stuck here, but other than that? It's pretty good.

You keeping busy, King-kun?


kinpika July 29 2011, 20:26:29 UTC
It's hard to really keep busy. After all, it gets really boring around here.


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 20:30:16 UTC
Yeah, no kidding. Even work gets boring, and you don't have to worry about that crap yet.

What do you usually do for fun, anyway?


kinpika July 29 2011, 20:48:22 UTC
Talk with girls, mostly. At least that can take up a lot of time.


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 20:51:29 UTC
I should've known from the pool party that you're a little flirt!

So who do you have your eye on? Someone I know?


kinpika July 29 2011, 20:52:14 UTC
Why would I have my eye on one person only?


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 20:59:50 UTC
Because when girls find out you're two-timing them, talking to them stops being fun.

That's what I've heard, anyway.


kinpika July 29 2011, 21:00:17 UTC
You seem to know a lot about it!


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 21:05:37 UTC
That's just common sense, man! Girls don't like to be two-timed!


kinpika July 29 2011, 21:06:39 UTC
I don't really understand though. They never minded before.


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 21:15:11 UTC
Yeah, well, welcome to the modern world, where girls get mad when you date two at once.


kinpika July 30 2011, 00:03:13 UTC
You'll have to be my sensei then since modern girls are different.


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 03:54:44 UTC
Wait, seriously? Nobody's ever talked to you about modern girls before? Jeez, you're starting from way behind, Gilgamesh.

[Not that Yosuke is Cassanova, but apparently compared to Gilgamesh he is. What a world.]

But alright! I'll give you a hand.


kinpika July 30 2011, 12:05:26 UTC
I'll be counting on you then!


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 20:18:07 UTC
Here's a free lesson to get started - flirt all you want, but if you get a girlfriend, stop hitting on other girls unless you want to fight with your lady all the time.


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