Track 08 - I'll Be There

Jul 29, 2011 02:47

[PHONE - AFTERNOON - Filtered to: Persona casts (all), Ruri, Shana, SHIKI, Gilgamesh, Lancer, anyone I forgot that he has a moderate amount of CR with]

Hey guys, it's Yosuke. I just thought I'd check in, see how everyone's doing. I know it's been sort of rough lately, so...


[He's been coming here a lot lately. It really ( Read more... )

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[ Phone ] inababanchou July 29 2011, 08:49:46 UTC
It's been pretty boring lately.


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 09:04:36 UTC
Yeah? I guess that's better than some of the other options. I'll take boring any day of the week and oh my god I never thought I'd actually say that.


inababanchou July 29 2011, 09:08:14 UTC
I've been working on sprints. Sooner or later I'll be able to catch you.

[ Souji sounds kind of boastful. ]


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 09:12:12 UTC
You're kidding, right?

Partner, I could give you a ten minute head start and still cream you. So long as you don't make me do fifty thousand push-ups first.


inababanchou July 29 2011, 09:23:38 UTC
We should go to the rec center together, then. Racquetball might be up your alley.


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 09:31:47 UTC
Anytime, Partner. You know I'm always up for something fun!


inababanchou July 29 2011, 09:58:03 UTC
.. Oh.

[ Souji just recalls something. ]

I've got something for you.


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 10:02:57 UTC
You do? [Yosuke likes getting things!] Am I allowed to know or is it a surprise?


inababanchou July 29 2011, 10:04:24 UTC
Yeah. I'll bring it over. Are you free?


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 10:10:45 UTC
Yeah. I was thinking of hitting the park later, but I've got nothing right now. Come on by.


inababanchou July 29 2011, 10:15:49 UTC
I'll be on my way.

[ Souji hangs up. A little while later, there is knocking on the front door of the Hanamura residence.... ]


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 10:26:04 UTC
[And there's a Yosuke answering it!]

Partner, just come in next time! I mean, it's not like I'm really worried about getting robbed or something.


inababanchou July 29 2011, 10:41:43 UTC

[ Souji will still be knocking in the future, since he doesn't want to enter with Rin living there. ...Complications may occur. Regardless he comes in and he's holding something wrapped up in a few towels. ]

I got these, just for you.


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 20:12:09 UTC
You got me towels?

[No he's not that stupid, but why not joke around some?]

I thought we already had enough here, but I guess a few more can't hurt.


inababanchou July 30 2011, 08:36:16 UTC
[ Souji just hands Yosuke the something wrapped up in towels. When Yosuke would unwrap it, he would a pair of short swords. They were sharp, light and strong! ]


princeofjunes July 30 2011, 09:55:12 UTC
[He of course wastes no time unwrapping the towels, because hell yes presents! His jaw drops when he sees the short swords - they're nothing aesthetically fancy, but it doesn't take a genius to tell that these babies are good. Almost reverently he takes them, taking a step back and spinning them in his hands.]

Holy... partner, these are amazing! They're at least as good as the stuff we got back home!


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