Track 06 - Gonna Fly Now

Jul 12, 2011 01:46

ACTION: The Park - Open

[It's a nice day in the park - the sun shining down, a breeze blowing through - it's the perfect day for Yosuke to work the stress out with a good friend. The entire park is his training area - trees to climb, benches to jump over and off of, and a thousand and one ways to test his speed and agility. Though there's no enemy ( Read more... )

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[ Action ] Just the two of us, we can make it if we try inababanchou July 12 2011, 06:36:15 UTC
[ This kind of feels like Parkour, that thing that all the cool teens in Europe are doing. Except Souji is terrible at that. Souji can run fast, sure, but don't ask him to maintain balance. And jumping over benches or tumbling safely off of low rooftops or higher places of elevation? That's partner's thing.

But no guts, no glory. Souji is attempting to vault over a park bench. Yosuke did it was nothing, not even touching the bench with his hand or with an errant foot, so Souji takes a running start. He plants his hand on the top and vaults over, except he hits his foot and comes crashing down right on the park bench. ]



Building them castles in the sky princeofjunes July 12 2011, 07:11:59 UTC
[Oh, that didn't sound good at all. He hates to break his stride but he does so to turn around and check on his Partner, wincing at the sight. And Yosuke thought he was getting out of shape. How far had Souji let himself fall? He walks over, offering a hand]

Maybe we should do some strength training for a bit? I don't think your footwork is agreeing with you right now, Partner.


inababanchou July 12 2011, 07:15:01 UTC
[ Ever seen Souji skate? That's right, there's a reason for that. Souji has terrible balance. ]

I... was never good with footwork.

[ He takes the hand and sits up. ]


princeofjunes July 12 2011, 07:29:01 UTC
It's alright. You'll feel better when I can only do thirty push-ups. Or should we take a break for now? We've been at this a while.


inababanchou July 12 2011, 07:37:06 UTC
I'll be fine; we should work on some strength, yeah.

[ Souji's head is throbbing. Man did he take a nasty spill. ]


princeofjunes July 12 2011, 09:35:03 UTC
You sure you don't want a breather? That looked pretty painful, man - I know how bad a wrong landing can hurt.


inababanchou July 12 2011, 18:30:22 UTC
[ Curse Souji's long legs! If they weren't so long he probably could've hopped over the bench. ]


[ He stands and gives Yosuke a firm nod. ]


princeofjunes July 14 2011, 04:18:55 UTC
Alright then, strength training!

You have something in mind? Push-ups? Pull-ups? Did you secretly pack weights and waited until now to tell me?


inababanchou July 14 2011, 07:55:06 UTC
Push-ups sound fine. Then we'll do pull-ups after. Then we could take a jog to the recreation center and use their weights.


princeofjunes July 16 2011, 04:27:02 UTC
[This definitely sounded like revenge for spending so long running around and showing off his agility, but Yosuke hardly had room to complain. He simply shrugged]

Just don't burn yourself out, Partner! I'm sure someone would get on my case if you wind up in bed for a week after this.


inababanchou July 17 2011, 02:47:52 UTC
We'll start with a few sets of push-ups, then.

[ Yosuke should have some upper body strength too! Souji hopes that Yosuke is just being modest. He drops down to the ground. ]

Ten sets of fourty?


princeofjunes July 20 2011, 04:30:24 UTC
[Ten sets of fourty? Four hundred?! Was Souji insane? His face fell for a minute, but he collected himself. He might lose in strength, but like hell he wouldn't give it his all. He dropped down to the ground as well, assuming the position]

Is that it? Jeez Partner, I can do those in my sleep.


inababanchou July 20 2011, 05:53:16 UTC
[ He's already finishing up his first set, just plowing through them with perfect form. He pauses after the first set for a small break and adjusts to knuckles for a little variety, already thinking ahead of where they'll be able to do some pull-ups. ]


princeofjunes July 23 2011, 05:18:39 UTC
[He gets through the first set well enough, but screw you and your variety, Partner. He's already slowing down as he makes his way through the second set, and groans to himself knowing the third is going to be pure torture]


inababanchou July 23 2011, 07:17:46 UTC
[ Swinging a big stick around works a lot of upper body strength! He's moved from fingertip pushups on the third set to forming a triangle with his hands for the fourth set. The fifth set he puts his left arm behind his back. He's starting to struggle a bit now, slowing down a little, but he decides that the tree and one of its low limbs that Yosuke the monkey was bouncing off of would be a great place for some pull-ups. ]


princeofjunes July 24 2011, 06:18:53 UTC
[The third set is pure torture. The fourth set makes him wish he was never born. The fifth? He gets four reps into the fifth set and flat out collapses - proud that he made it that far but silently cursing his partner's name for putting them through it at all]


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