Track 06 - Gonna Fly Now

Jul 12, 2011 01:46

ACTION: The Park - Open

[It's a nice day in the park - the sun shining down, a breeze blowing through - it's the perfect day for Yosuke to work the stress out with a good friend. The entire park is his training area - trees to climb, benches to jump over and off of, and a thousand and one ways to test his speed and agility. Though there's no enemy ( Read more... )

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Both! flameyedhunter July 12 2011, 06:21:35 UTC
Let's see what you losers have got!

[ Calls out a fierce little voice, and Shana is there, standing on a tree, pointing down at them. They can also get a pretty good... ah, angle up her rather foofy 50's style skirt, but it would probably be unhealthy for anyone to mention that. ]


KAY! princeofjunes July 12 2011, 06:57:06 UTC
[Hey, no one calls him a loser, despite it's varying degrees of truth! He stops in his tracks and looks up and - oh my. Oh my.

Well. That was unexpected.

Focus, Yosuke!]

That sounds like a challenge! You sure you can take the both of us?


Shana -> Yosuke -> Souji order peachy? inababanchou July 12 2011, 07:03:38 UTC
[ Souji is just... yeah partner, you blatantly look up that dress. Souji is going to cough politely, bend down and relace his shoe. ]

She's pretty tough, Yosuke.


Of course flameyedhunter July 13 2011, 03:42:13 UTC
Are you sure either of you two is tough enough to take me?

[ She drops to the ground in a whirl of black cloak/jacket, which wraps around her then whips out almost like wings. ]

So, how do you want to do this?


princeofjunes July 14 2011, 04:05:56 UTC
[Oh wow, that was cool. And for a moment, Yosuke thinks there's a chance they might not win.

But oh well. That's why it's training, right?]

You're the one who said loosers. Trying to back out of fighting us both?


inababanchou July 14 2011, 20:52:23 UTC
[ Souji has seen what she is. Well, haven't seen what she's capable of, but there are enough hints to suggest she's quite the force. ]

This should be a competition on technique.

[ He considered cracking wise about a cooking competition but Shana didn't look like she was in a mood to be the butt of Souji's jokes. ]


flameyedhunter July 16 2011, 05:20:49 UTC
[ Shana shifts slightly, almost imperceptibly, but the killing aura coming off her now is intense, and she watches them both, not lashing out, just waiting for their "kill" ]

Agreed. Ready when you are!


princeofjunes July 16 2011, 06:28:27 UTC
[For the first time in a while, Yosuke finds himself wishing that he had gotten back his Persona, feeling almost naked without it when faced with the aura Shana is putting off. It's almost frightening - and if he hadn't been so fresh off of their final battle in the TV world, it might have been the scariest thing in his life.

At least it won't be the first time he's humiliated. Hiding his insecurity behind bravado - business as usual - Yosuke takes himself a fighting stance]

Alright Partner, call the shots. Just like old times.


inababanchou July 17 2011, 03:01:32 UTC
[ Technique. Right. Where is that technique? He has some of it, but hey Souji's kind of dumb in this regard. Shana is itching for a fight; Souji can see it--feel it even--and he couldn't back down from a challenge like that. ]

[ Suddenly Souji takes a quick step forward, pivoting his body and roundhouse-kicking fiercely towards Shana in the chest. ]


flameyedhunter July 17 2011, 05:13:26 UTC
[ Shana drops low, her body moving into a crouch and she lashes out at Souji's planted leg with a sweep as he roundhouses high at her. Clearly playing the advantage of her shortness here. She's a small, fast target, flame haze body making an already physically fit person a brutal close-in combatant. ]



princeofjunes July 20 2011, 04:15:19 UTC
[Outmatched, exhausted but too proud for his own good, Yosuke charges in after his Partner, using the other boy's slightly larger frame as a mask for his own movements. Suddenly he springs into a leap, spinning in midair as he soars over both his partner's and Shana's head, landing behind her. He doesn't land as cleanly as he'd like - especially after doing it so many times today - but it's cleanly enough to try and spring from his crouched position to try and tackle Shana. It's not pretty, but getting her off her feet seems the best idea.]


inababanchou July 20 2011, 05:50:28 UTC
[ Souji is swept and is knocked over, falling onto his side. He however anticipated the attack to his leg, figuring he'd leave himself easily open for such an attack. He rolls immediately when he hits the ground away from Shana and the pouncing Yosuke, recoils and springs onto his feet again. ]

Reply Is the only appropriate music flameyedhunter July 21 2011, 03:36:25 UTC
[ Crouched down, shana is hammered by the tackle, but she drives a brutal elbow towards the side of Yosuke's head as he wraps her up in a tackle, her left hand shooting out to catch her as she falls, trying to twist out of his grasp if the elbow smash stuns him, her hair whirling around her almost as much as her cloak. She hits like a hammer, by the way ]


Shoji Meguro begs to differ. princeofjunes July 22 2011, 04:31:33 UTC
[Ow. Yosuke's head is ringing, but he has one distinct advantage in this fight - he's not that far removed from getting beaten around by a half crazed goddess. He could keep his grip, but instead chooses to let her go, hoping he's provided enough of a distraction for Souji to get in a good hit]

Reply is my battle music. inababanchou July 22 2011, 07:54:23 UTC
[ Aaaaaaaaand what a hit he's going to try to unleash onto Shana, suddenly right next to the two of them. He swings his elbow and the back of his forearm fast and tight en route to the back of Shana's head followed by a fist toward Shana's gut a half-second behind. ]


c-combo breaker flameyedhunter July 23 2011, 04:13:19 UTC
[ Shana is hammered by the two strikes, bending double as the fist to the cut behinds her over, but she doesn't cry out, just hissing in pain as she forms her right hand into a ridgehand, driving it like a spike for Souji's voicebox, another attempt at a stunning blow. She's going for quick takedowns here, even as she bears with the pain of the blows that have already smashed into her. ]


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