Track 05: Small Town

Jul 01, 2011 21:37


[As Yosuke's settled himself into Mayfield, he finds one question gnawing at the back of his head ( Read more... )

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Around some house forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 07:30:00 UTC
[Because there's always some place for SHIKI to stalk, I just haven't thought of which one yet. Yosuke can find him suspiciously loitering around a house, peeking in windows from afar once in a while.]


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 07:49:42 UTC
[There is absolutely nothing about this that doesn't look sketchy, and it's his duty to stop it! Or something like that]

Hey, are you looking for something?


forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 07:55:14 UTC
[Interrupted again? Oh well, nothing interesting was happening in there anyway]

Nothing in particular, just seeing how things have been going. What are you doing out here?


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 08:24:28 UTC
Seeing how things have been going? Is that even your house?

I'm just going for a walk around town today.


forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 08:33:32 UTC
Nope, but someone I know lives there.

Have you tried the park? A lot of interesting things happen there.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 09:49:40 UTC
I was going to head over there sooner or later. It's nice, I like it there.

... but seriously, you know what you were doing looks suspicious as hell, right?


forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 09:52:05 UTC
Only to those that spot me. To everyone else, I was never here.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 09:55:16 UTC
Is there a reason you can't just knock on the door and see if your friend's there?


forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 10:02:21 UTC
...Not really.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 10:03:57 UTC
[Okay. Assuming the guy is just an idiot and not the biggest creep in the world, what the hell could be a valid reason?

He runs through a list in his head, and only comes up with one - but it makes him grin]

Oh, I get it. The girl you like lives here?


forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 10:06:32 UTC
[Nope, just a creep]

What? Nooo, where'd you get an idea like that?


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 10:07:57 UTC
Well it's either that or you're a creep, and I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here.



forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 10:15:27 UTC
And you're saying peeking on a girl you like isn't creepy? What the hell is up with your standards?

[Diversion! He slaps Yosuke's shoulder playfully]


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 10:19:46 UTC
[Somewhat diverted!]

Well yeah it's still creepy, but it's a reason that makes sense! C'mon man, I'm trying not to think of you as a burglar or a regular pervert, give me something to work with!


forgottenshiki July 2 2011, 10:28:22 UTC
Then how about this? What if I was a protector from the shadows, watching over them without getting close. It has a nice ring, doesn't it? Though it's not really protecting.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 10:31:50 UTC
So you're watching over them from the shadows and protecting them, but without the protecting.

Why would you say that? It sounded good until you took out the protecting!


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