Track 05: Small Town

Jul 01, 2011 21:37


[As Yosuke's settled himself into Mayfield, he finds one question gnawing at the back of his head ( Read more... )

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riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 02:31:55 UTC
[As Yosuke walked near the park, he might just have noticed a totally normal guy. Well, okay, not totally normal.]

[He might have been wearing ordinary enough clothes, but blue hair wasn't quite typical for most people. Neither was the steel lance being spun around in his hand like it weighed the same as cardboard and stabbed repeatedly at a nonexistent opponent.]

[So really quite the opposite of normal. Approach anyway, Yosuke?]


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 04:12:25 UTC
[In this town, 'normal' becomes incredibly subjective. He approaches somewhat, getting closer until he's at the perfect distance to watch and appreciate the guy's skill without risking a wayward stab. Having been in his share fights he can certainly appreciate the guy's skill - and he sure as hell doesn't want to get on his bad side.

So for now, he'll just wait until Mr. Blue Hair is done]


riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 04:20:00 UTC
[Oh hey, was that an audience? Rin would probably give him hell for training in such an obvious place, but did it really matter? It wasn't as if half the city didn't already know who he was anyway.]

[Maybe he'd just enjoy the attention for the next few minutes until he finished. Shame it wasn't a pretty girl, but you couldn't win 'em all.]

Yo. Something I can do for you, kid?


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 04:42:14 UTC
[He fights the urge to applaud, as well as the urge to ask for training. Who is he, Chie?]

Don't mind me! I'm just watching - I know when I see someone that's damn good. I'm not in your way, am I?


riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 04:46:51 UTC
Nah, don't worry about it.

[He smirked, spinning the lance around a few times in one hand.

If you were in the way, you'd know by now.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 04:56:55 UTC
Mind if I ask why you're training? I mean, is it just to stay in shape, or are you worried about everyone in town going crazy and murder happy again?


riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 05:00:02 UTC
Both. I'm still nowhere near the kind of power I'm supposed to have, and it's really starting to get annoying. I got killed on the first day of that mass murdering shit, you believe that?

If anyone from back home knew I died from something as simple as a knife to the chest, I'd be laughed out of the country.

[What is taking death seriously, I don't even.]


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 06:01:15 UTC
[Well once you die and come back to life death sort of stops mattering]

A knife, huh? Sounds pretty rough - at least I got sniped from out of nowhere.

It's less rough on yourself when there's nothing you could have done, you know? I don't know about you, but I'm not exactly bulletproof. [And if you are, it might not surprise him]


riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 06:03:38 UTC
Nothing I haven't done a couple times before. It just bothers me that it was over so quickly.

...well, if you want to be all technical, I kind of should be. [Protection against projectiles was a very useful skill for a Servant to have, after all.] Still, that must've sucked.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 06:54:10 UTC
[He sighs and shrugs]

It did suck. Watching you train is making me realize I'm getting out of shape.

I used to fight stuff almost every day, you know? Here I'm just... here.


riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 06:57:08 UTC
Yeah, join the club. It gets so damn quiet around here half the time that I'm starting to think I'll just go crazy. The hell am I supposed to do if I'm not fighting?

Call me Lancer, by the way.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 07:43:19 UTC
Yosuke! Nice to meet you, Lancer.

Well, I've found that flirting with girls and promising crazy things to people helps - I have to build a stage in my house sometime. And a job is alright, I guess. But you're making me want to add working out to the list.


riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 07:48:54 UTC
Girls are usually a pretty good distraction. And now that you mention it, I guess having a half-decent job is a pretty new experience.

[Lancer you might be the worst bartender ever, shut up.]

...I could probably give you an idea how to use one of these if you're interested.

[Because what the hell, he had time to kill. And Yosuke seemed like a pretty okay kid.]


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 08:22:38 UTC
[He contemplates it for a second, but shakes his head]

I appreciate the offer, but speed is my best trait, you know? Something like that would really slow me down unless I hit the gym for eight hours a day.

[He reaches into his pockets and pulls out a pair of knives. Nothing ornate, but if Lancer is any judge of it, they're fairly high quality]

These are more my style.


riastrad_ridire July 2 2011, 08:27:16 UTC
Funny you should say that. Being fast is kind of my thing too. [Or it would be, if he wasn't busy being stuck as a human.]

[He looked at the knives for a moment or two, seeming impressed--he did definitely know a thing or two about weaponry, and that didn't seem half bad.]

Pretty close-range fighter, aren't you? Might be a hell of a lot lighter, but I think I'd prefer keeping my opponent at a pretty good distance.


princeofjunes July 2 2011, 09:48:35 UTC
[If it wasn't abundantly clear before that Lancer isn't a normal bro, it is now. But Yosuke isn't exactly a complete regular guy himself]

I have long range skills to use too.

... well, normally anyway. This place hasn't been nice enough to give those back yet.


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