Track 04: Nobody Told Me

Jun 25, 2011 00:58

ACTION: The Record Store - Morning/Afternoon - Open

[All things considered, Yosuke is enjoying his new job at the record store, familiarizing himself with the music and keeping the records spinning. If you're in the market for some music, come on in and shop!]

ACTION: John Doe Park - Evening - Open

[Yosuke is sitting on a park bench, headphones ( Read more... )

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I hope this isn't too late! femtags June 27 2011, 22:58:42 UTC
[Don't mind Minako looking around for some decent music. She been here for about a month and there's only so much 50 music she can stand. Where's the modern music that she misses? ;A;]


Too late? I don't know the meaning! princeofjunes June 28 2011, 03:58:49 UTC
[That modern music is over here, around Yosuke's ears. He's got the volume cranked up pretty high, and if Minako is listening, she can hear the distinct sounds of heavy drums and guitar leaking out and into the air]


\o/! femtags June 28 2011, 04:01:31 UTC
[Minako is listening all right as she looks at Yosuke and his headphones...]

Yosuke-san, what are you listening to?


princeofjunes June 28 2011, 04:10:22 UTC
[He can barely hear her over the music, but he looks over at her and manages a smile as he slips them off]

Hey, sorry. Just listening to some music from back home. Guess I was feeling a little nostalgic.

[He slides them off his head completely and holds them out to her]


femtags June 28 2011, 04:44:56 UTC
You're lucky that you got your headphones already...I miss mine so much!

[But really she wouldn't trade her evoker just yet. As she listens...

This goes through her mind! Finally, some decent music! Even if she doesn't know what the song is called, at least it's something!]


princeofjunes June 28 2011, 04:55:51 UTC
Yeah? I guess for another music lover I wouldn't mind sharing. [It's just hard to say no to you, Minako.

He pulls his player from his pocket and holds it out, leaning back. Go crazy, girl.]


femtags June 28 2011, 05:07:44 UTC
[Brb, going through Yosuke's playlist like crazy]

By the way, what kind of songs do you usually listen to? I never heard of these songs before...[But then again, 2 years into the future..]


princeofjunes June 28 2011, 05:11:31 UTC
A little bit of everything. As long as it has a good beat and some killer hooks, I don't care about genre or language or anything like that.


femtags June 28 2011, 15:38:37 UTC
Huh, that sounds like you like most of the songs that I do.

A good portion of my songs are in English! [Even if she couldn't understand it some of the time]


princeofjunes June 29 2011, 05:20:40 UTC
See, I knew from the second I saw you - you're a girl with good tastes in music.

[And she's damn cute, too. Why so awesome, Minako]

If you ask really nicely, I might let you borrow my setup sometime.


femtags June 29 2011, 14:45:28 UTC
Really? Then can I borrow it now, pretty please~?


princeofjunes June 29 2011, 20:15:37 UTC
Well... I'll drop them off at your place on my way home. How about that?

[She's just too cute to say no to]


femtags June 29 2011, 21:39:18 UTC
That's awesome!

I guess I really should start on that Melon bread in return...[She's been slacking]


princeofjunes June 29 2011, 21:41:39 UTC
[He waves it off nonchalantly]

Don't worry about it - I'm a sucker for cute music lovers.


femtags June 29 2011, 21:59:49 UTC
Me, cute? What a nice thing to say, Yosuke-san!

You're pretty handsome yourself~


princeofjunes June 29 2011, 22:06:34 UTC
[Why hello there, blush. It's one thing for him to casually flirt - it's another for someone to actually flirt back. He sure as hell didn't expect it from her]

Hey, it's not nice to tease! I only said it because it's true.


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