Track 04: Nobody Told Me

Jun 25, 2011 00:58

ACTION: The Record Store - Morning/Afternoon - Open

[All things considered, Yosuke is enjoying his new job at the record store, familiarizing himself with the music and keeping the records spinning. If you're in the market for some music, come on in and shop!]

ACTION: John Doe Park - Evening - Open

[Yosuke is sitting on a park bench, headphones ( Read more... )

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angelgressor June 26 2011, 04:54:32 UTC
[ Walking through the park for whatever reason, Lamia notices the upset boy and stops in her tracks. ]

Is there anything wrong?


princeofjunes June 26 2011, 11:53:16 UTC
[Hello, cute robot girl he's never met before. Any normal day, Yosuke might switch on his... unique brand of charming.

If only today were normal.

He looks up and (badly) fakes a smile]

Just kind of a rough day, you know? Even for this place.


angelgressor June 26 2011, 22:38:48 UTC
A rough day...? Did something happen?


princeofjunes June 27 2011, 05:19:24 UTC
[It's weird to talk about when he thinks about it - after all, people turning into drones here must be commonplace. Other people probably don't react like this - but then, they're used to it. He isn't.

He also isn't used to spilling his guts to strangers, but hey, it's a day of firsts.]

I went looking for a friend of mine after work - found out they turned her into... well, you know.


angelgressor June 27 2011, 23:20:51 UTC
Ah. I see.

[ Comforting people is far from her forté. ]

I am sorry.


princeofjunes June 28 2011, 04:06:30 UTC
[It's okay, there's not much that could comfort him right now. After a few moments, he leans back and looks up at the sky]

Can I ask... how you deal with it? When your friends are like that?


angelgressor June 28 2011, 14:56:05 UTC
[ Friends? Me? ]

I'm sorry, but I haven't had anyone...close to me succumb to that.


princeofjunes June 29 2011, 05:03:03 UTC
[He smiles at that]

Jeez, I'm sort of jealous, ...

Crap, I never introduced myself! Sorry! I'm Yosuke. You are?


angelgressor June 29 2011, 23:49:37 UTC
Lamia Loveless. It's good to meet you, Yosuke.


princeofjunes June 29 2011, 23:54:36 UTC
Likewise! Sorry I'm not my usual self right now.

[It's probably for the best - he'd either be flustered at the beautiful lady or flirting. Badly]

Have you been here long, Lamia?


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