Track 04: Nobody Told Me

Jun 25, 2011 00:58

ACTION: The Record Store - Morning/Afternoon - Open

[All things considered, Yosuke is enjoying his new job at the record store, familiarizing himself with the music and keeping the records spinning. If you're in the market for some music, come on in and shop!]

ACTION: John Doe Park - Evening - Open

[Yosuke is sitting on a park bench, headphones ( Read more... )

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Park enemyradar June 26 2011, 00:46:35 UTC
[Rise wasn't expecting to see Yosuke here, and she definitely wasn't expecting to see him so upset. Concerned, she makes her way over to him. She leans down a little, trying to get a look at his face before tapping him lightly on the shoulder.]



princeofjunes June 26 2011, 00:53:16 UTC
[He snaps from his melancholy for a moment, looking up at Rise with an odd expression on his face. He wants to be happy to see her but damn if she hasn't caught him at an odd time. After a second, he wonders if she even knows what's happened]

Rise-chan... hey, sorry I didn't see you there.


enemyradar June 26 2011, 00:59:16 UTC
[She frowns slightly at his condition. Yep, definitely worried now.]

What's wrong? You seem really down.


princeofjunes June 26 2011, 01:13:25 UTC
[There's no point in hiding it from Rise - if she doesn't know, she deserves to know]

When was the last time you saw Chie?


enemyradar June 26 2011, 01:17:03 UTC
Oh, um, I only talked to her on the phone when I first got here. I haven't seen her or talked to her since then. ...Why?


princeofjunes June 26 2011, 01:21:50 UTC
[He has no idea how to say this tactfully, sorry. And even if he did, it's still hard for him to say.]

... she's like them. A drone.


enemyradar June 26 2011, 01:32:37 UTC
[She kind of stares at him for a few seconds. The shock of it makes Rise's emotions get the best of her and she finally sits next to him, wiping tears from her eyes.]

...W-What? Is it permanent?


princeofjunes June 26 2011, 01:47:40 UTC
I... I don't know.

[Crap, he didn't want to make her cry too. He's already been having a hard enough time keeping his own emotions in check]

It's hard enough to see her like that without thinking that she won't... [He can't even finish the sentence]


enemyradar June 26 2011, 01:59:26 UTC
[She does her best to regain her composure, though it's not working out all that well.]

This place is awful. Who do they think they are? Why are they allowed to just go around...doing that?

...It's not fair.


princeofjunes June 26 2011, 11:36:51 UTC
[He takes a minute to respond, getting some of his composure back. He's no Souji, but at least he can try and put on a strong face for Rise]

We won't let them get away with this. If she doesn't come back on her own, then we'll just figure out some way to make them change her back.


enemyradar June 26 2011, 23:03:45 UTC
[She smiles weakly at his conviction.]

Gee, Yosuke-senpai, I didn't know you could be so cool.

[Joking aside, her smile fades a little.] But, do you think we can? I feel kind of helpless right now.


princeofjunes June 27 2011, 05:25:51 UTC
[He blushes a little - even if she's joking, a compliment is a compliment]

Hey, Partner doesn't have all the cool.

[A sigh]

...I don't know if we can. But we never got anywhere by sitting around and giving up, right?


enemyradar June 27 2011, 16:38:50 UTC
[Her smile brightens a little.]

I know, I know.

You're right. I bet we could figure something out if we work together.


princeofjunes June 27 2011, 20:41:24 UTC
We always do, right? So there's nothing to worry about, when you think about it.


enemyradar June 27 2011, 22:00:59 UTC

You're right. If we could take down a goddess, this place should be no problem!


princeofjunes June 28 2011, 04:05:07 UTC
[He actually feels kind of accomplished now - it's not every day he gets the chance to cheer up Rise. Sure, it's his fault she was depressed, but that's not important]

See? We've got nothing to worry about. I kind of feel silly for even getting down - once Chie's back to normal, she'll never let me live it down.


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