Stephen Colbert is the new Wolverine

May 01, 2006 05:33

Attention, President of the United States, Distinguished Journalists and Members of the Media, it is my pleasure to announce that

You have all had your respective asses handed to you.

Let me repeat.

You have all had your respective asses handed to you.

Please, witness:

The Video
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The News
Crooks and Liars: Colbert Does the White House Correspondents’ Dinner
Editor & Publisher: Colbert Lampoons Bush at White House Correspondents Dinner- President Not Amused?

Now you may ask yourself, "Crooks and Liars? Editor & Publisher? These are hoaky leftist polito-babble sites, where's the mainstream media?" Well, let's do a little search on google and find out. Where's the New York Times? Where's the Boston Globe? The Chicago Tribune? BBC? USA Today? Anybody out there reporting? No?

Not a damn one.

Now if you are reading this and you haven't watched the video. You MUST do so now. You must watch something that is a first in American history. People, let me repeat, this is history.  This has been the greatest act of free speech by one person in our lifetimes. His balls are ginormous and they are made of adamantium.

Back to the Media. Blackout. Almost complete and total. Not a damn one of the major media outlets is spotlighting this. I'm saying this partly in ignorance, because I haven't watched TV since I was in Canada last month. But as far as Newsprint and Online coverage go, zilch. Nada. Nichts.

So, that brings me to my next point. In this country we have the Freedom of the Press. Originally, that meant the printing press, but nowadays that idea has been co-opted by "professionals." Well, people, I think this is a perfect time to respond to this Great Act of Free Speech of Colbert's by enacting our freedoms of speech and press. Please, I'm asking each and every one of you to put this out there. I don't care if you copy this blog word for word, cut and paste. Just get the word out. Make a change in your world. Refuse to go back asleep and accept the mockery of Justice and Law and Freedom we have so grown accustomed to. At the very least, if you are so inclined, go here and thank Mr Colbert.

BBC coverage:
No coverage here as of yet: vids with counts:
Finally, Yahoo:;_ylt=A86.I2aOX1VEBVIByRv9wxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--

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