Once more I wing my way to the semi-sunny semi-shores of San Ramon, California this weekend for
DunDraCon, which has been playing D&D and kindred divers diversions even longer than have I. Once more I shall provide my own divers diversions, in the form of panel presentations, to wit:
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: City Building
Presenter(s): : Michael Blum, Kenneth Hite, and Doc Cross
The long-running seminar about the nuts and bolts of creating and using cities in RPGs. This year we’ll have two sub-topics: underground cities, and small cities. [TriValley 2]
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Alternate Histories
Presenter(s): Ken Hite and Dana Lombardy
The very popular War College panel discussion continues! Authors and game designers Dana Lombardy and Ken Hite examine possible alternate histories and what their impact might have been. Audience participation is encouraged. FREE HAND OUT: an updated guide to sources for alternate histories will be provided to attendees. [TriValley 2]
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: What's Cool
Presenter(s): Kenneth Hite and Bruce Harlick
Ken Hite, national authority, and Bruce Harlick, local Hero, go over the outstanding games and gear of early 2020. Get the scoop on the new games in the Dealer Room. [TriValley 2]