Some delightful scamp has moved GenCon up by a week or two again, oh hilarity! The good news is that leaves my schedule for the
Noir City Chicago Film Fest free and clear this year. The bad news is that it leaves me just a weensy bit slammed, explaining the late nature of this, my annual Ken's GenCon Schedule Post.
As always, nobody in their right mind tells me if anything at all ever is being recorded, streamed, or laboriously chiseled into cuneiform for the delectation of Innanna. Except my podcast, I'm pretty sure Robin's recording that one. So herewith, said Schedule Post!
9:00 p.m.-??: Diana Jones Awards Party
Be there to see storied game-design luminaries act remarkably like regular old drunks! [Undisclosed Location]
1:00-2:00 p.m.: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff LIVE!
Robin D. Laws & Kenneth Hite talk roleplaying, history, conspiracy, occultism, writing, food, movies & whatever you ask them about in this live edition of their award-winning podcast. [Lucas Oil : Mtg Rm 5]
4:00-5:00 p.m.: Investigative Roleplaying MasterClass
Mystery scenario masters Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws train their magnifying glasses on clue-gathering adventures to reveal the unlikely suspects behind your tabletop woes. [Lucas Oil : Mtg Rm 5]
6:00-7:00 p.m.: Introducing Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition
The Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition development team hosts a panel discussion on meta-plot & game design of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition. [Lucas Oil : Mtg Rm 3]
7:00-8:00 p.m.: ENnie Awards Pre-Show
Drinking and my beloved fellow nominees, what could be better? [Union Station]
8:00-10:00? p.m.: ENnie Awards Ceremony
I'd like to thank all of you for voting for Delta Green: the Role-Playing Game. Ideally, I shall do so from on stage, while holding one to three ENnies. [Union Station]
2:00-3:00 p.m.: Swords, Spies & Shoggoths: The Pelgrane Press Panel
Join Simon Rogers, Cat Tobin & others from the Pelgrane team for a behind-the-scenes look at what the award-winning UK publisher's been up to this year, & what they've planned for the coming year. [Lucas Oil : Mtg Rm 5]
7:00-8:00 p.m.: Delta Green: Inside the Conspiracy
The authors of the award-winning Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game talk about playing & running cosmic horror & conspiracies. Learn what's coming up & ask questions of your own. [Lucas Oil : Mtg Rm 2]
Apart from those brilliant moments in time, if you seek me, seek me out at the old familiar Pelgrane Press stand, located at Booth #1317, or in a bar. I'm always happy to sign books or say "Hi" or just nod briskly as we pass each other in a ginormous crowd of people on their way to play elf games.