Night's Black Chat

Oct 31, 2012 18:12

This tortured pun (oooh -- spooky, boys and girls!) is by way of mentioning that tomorrow, November 1, I'll be doing an RPG.Net chat on the RPG.Net IRC channel or chatroom or whatever it is the kids call it now.

The fun kicks off at 6:59pm Central Daylight Time (23:59 GMT) and I'll kick around for a couple hours or so. I'm happiest to talk Night's Black Agents, 'cos it's new and shiny, but I'm happy to chat about whatever Hite-related fantods bemuse you.

To join #rpgnet chat: go to, select your handle, log in, and type "/join #rpgnet"

Read you there!

Updated: The chat went pretty well; the log is here. Thanks to Dan and RPGNet!

chat, gratuitous plug

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