I think I've stumbled onto something again.
While looking into the nature of Niðavellir, as one does, I noticed that for one of the Nine Worlds, it's very little attested in the Eddas. (Indeed,
Wikipedia doesn't even list it as one of the A-list Nine, implying that it's a mere synonym for Svartalfheim. If you're curious, I personally conflate
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An interesting possibility: Wikipedia tells us that 'Ungoliant [parent to Shelob, and from "before the world"] means "dark spider" in the fictional Sindarin language,' which would seem to argue against your proposition. However, in the very next sentence, we learn that 'It is a loan word from Quenya: Ungwë liantë' [gloom spider]. If the Sindar in their true form were indeed "dark/gloom spiders," they might use such a loan-word in place of their own native, unpronounceable-on-this-plane word for themselves in describing an elder being like Ungoliant.
After all, it rather gives the game away if you call it "Uncle."
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