* If you're one of those people who has an iPad on order, now you can have a
Where the Deep Ones Are iPad App on order, too! Like the iPhone version, Appness performed by the legend that is Derek "Le SuperCool" Pearcy.
* At GTS last week, The Day After Ragnarok and Cthulhu 101 were both
nominated for Origins Awards -- in Best Roleplaying Supplement and Best Game-Related Book, respectively. So go, me.
* I don't want to give anything away, but the players in my Night's Black Agents playtest campaign would know exactly what
this means. "Christian dignitary." Sure. Because you always bury a deacon in a THOUSAND POUNDS OF LEAD SHEATHING. "“There are only a handful of other examples from Italy of lead coffins from this age - the second, third or fourth century AD," says the archaeologist. I wonder what might be rarer in early Christian Italy than bishops ... hmmm ... oh, right. Vampires.