So, Dragonmeet went off swimmingly yesterday; lots and lots and lots of autographing at the Pelgrane booth, chances to catch up with British friends from
pwca to
ffutures to
timgray, some fine review-game swag for the column (which I hope to update while I'm out here with a Con Report), and plenty of people playing plenty of games.
Two panels; "Ask Robin and Ken anything," and "Ask Robin, Ken, James Wallis, and John Wick anything," which featured among other winners "What's the difference between Conan and Captain Kirk?" (A: Tragedy and responsibility, respectively.)
Lots of English breakfasts, high-end ramen at Wagamama (you can take the game designer out of direst poverty, but you can't take direst poverty out of the game designer), and off to the pub for a post-Con meetup in but moments.
Culinary highlight so far:
simonjrogers' bread-and-butter pudding, made with panatone; and the Marks & Spencer "Christmas sandwich," which is turkey, stuffing, and bacon on brown bread with mayo. Thanksgiving leftovers achieved! U! S! A! U! S! A!