Earth-Shattering News!!!

Apr 19, 2005 22:49

Lost writings of Sophocles, Hesiod, and Euripides have been recovered in just the past few days and more is on the way . . .

The original papyrus documents, discovered in an ancient rubbish dump in central Egypt, are often meaningless to the naked eye - decayed, worm-eaten and blackened by the passage of time. But scientists using the new photographic technique, developed from satellite imaging, are bringing the original writing back into view. Academics have hailed it as a development which could lead to a 20 per cent increase in the number of great Greek and Roman works in existence. Some are even predicting a "second Renaissance".
Running to 400,000 fragments, stored in 800 boxes at Oxford's Sackler Library, it is the biggest hoard of classical manuscripts in the world.
The previously unknown texts, read for the first time last week, include parts of a long-lost tragedy - the Epigonoi ("Progeny") by the 5th-century BC Greek playwright Sophocles; part of a lost novel by the 2nd-century Greek writer Lucian; unknown material by Euripides; mythological poetry by the 1st-century BC Greek poet Parthenios; work by the 7th-century BC poet Hesiod; and an epic poem by Archilochos, a 7th-century successor of Homer, describing events leading up to the Trojan War. Additional material from Hesiod, Euripides and Sophocles almost certainly await discovery.
When it has all been read - mainly in Greek, but sometimes in Latin, Hebrew, Coptic, Syriac, Aramaic, Arabic, Nubian and early Persian - the new material will probably add up to around five million words. Texts deciphered over the past few days will be published next month by the London-based Egypt Exploration Society, which financed the discovery and owns the collection.
Rediscovered Lost Lines from Sophokles' Epigonoi
Speaker A: . . . gobbling the whole, sharpening the flashing iron.

Speaker B: And the helmets are shaking their purple-dyed crests, and for the wearers of breast-plates the weavers are striking up the wise shuttle's songs, that wakes up those who are asleep.

Speaker A: And he is gluing together the chariot's rail.
Read The Full Article Here
Article on the Process Used to Read the Papyri
Website about the Oxyrhynchus Papyri
This is HUGE, people. Even though we're currently dealing with fragments here, they happen to be long-lost fragments by some of the greatest writers of the ancient world. Hesiod, Archilochos, Sophokles, Euripides, Lucian. And thousands more await us. We're on the cusp of a renaissance in classical studies . . . I can't contain my excitement and joy. Songs to awake those who are asleep!

Now let's just pray they'll find something substantial from the lost nine books of Sappho . . .
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