Goodbye Boo

Sep 09, 2008 17:52

Why did this happen today?

After i got home from school, i went into the computer room to visit with the new hamster, Kuma. But when i walked past the other cage  noticed that there was blood on top of Boo's plastic house. Not a lot, but a little pool of it right in the center. I got worried and lifted up the house, hoping to see Boo do his little 'why are you waking me up' face. But instead i found him lying on his side, cold and thin. He was already dead. When i picked him up he was wet and i found that his urine had traces of blood in it.

I can't say it was really a surprise. He was old and we had all been worrying for a long time that he would die soon. But still, having Boo die so close to Gnoochi's death... it feels a little unfair.

I buried him next to the oak tree by the garage.

I'm going to miss him a lot.

Boo was such a sweetheart. Not the smartest hamster, but beautiful and soft. Jamie had saved him from mites when she was working at Petco. She fell in love with him, and well, after that she brought him home. He got his name "boo" because that was what Jamie had been calling him.

Mom loved him because he matched the wallpaper in the kitchen,  blond with a white stripe in the middle.

Not to mention he was a favorite of any of the children who have come through our house these past 2 and 1/2 years. Everyone liked seeing Jamie do the 'old-man face' joke with him.

I'm really really really going to miss him. He may have been the best our family has ever had.

Goodbye Boo

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