Just Passing By Again :B

Dec 14, 2005 14:35

REMEMBER! For Halloween I asked if anyone was opposed to my non-cutting of pics for special occasions and y'all either said no or very little, so here's the last for this year :D!

;D! Only I get to wear that belt :@!

Anyhoo, quick update...way busy >_<. I'll be reading and commenting on LJs later as I try to do every week, so don't despair! I shall plague your journals again >D! My next update will hopefully be friends-only again xB Sorry for the constant trek into the public ;_;!

OH BTW THE BRATZ CD RAWKS ALL TYPES OF SAWKS O_O! Seriously, this shit is awesome and I loathe the Bratz and their message :@ But the music is undeniable ._.!


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