Nov 20, 2003 13:21
Meh, I feel like total shit and gonna go to the doctor tomorrow if I'm not better by then. Anyway, here's the long-awaited second part of the hospital story...
So, they took me up to my room. I had to take off my clothes and put them in this thing which they then put into the closet and locked up so I couldn't get my clothes and escape. Pssh.
Th next day, I was like whatever, he said overnight and I stayed overnight so I get to go home today. But no...apparently the form was signed for 'up to 3 days' and they decided to just keep me the full three days. I freaked and I lost it and I cried and fell to the floor.
2 Days later, okay NOW I'm done for sure, so I pretend to be super happy and ready to leave just in case. But again, the fucking shrink decides nah, let's keep you another FIVE days!~#!@#$!#@$ He left, ignored my pleas, and I again started crying like a bitch. Two of the ladies that worked there were trying to console me, but I just wanted out. I was like 'how the fuck can someone just play with your life and sign forms to keep you in the hospital locked away against your will like that!?'. Then, I banged my head against the radiator several times and the chicks got freaked and called for help lol. The dudes came, STRAPPED me to the bed and shot me in the ass with some sedative.
Now, to all whom I've told this story to, this is the part I'm famous for: When they left, I was like...there's no way they're keeping me strapped to this bed. All I had to work with was my mind. And my mouth. I used my mouth and undid and untwirled my right arm strap. Then used my now free right arm and mouth to undo the left arm strap. Now, for the legs. They had LOCKS on them. I tinkered with the right one for a few minutes and unlocked it. The left one though, needed a special key. I thought for a minute...I remembered my mom had brought me grooming supplies the day before. I went into my drawer and took out the mirror. I placed it between my bedframe and mattress, sat down and broke it. I took one of the glass shards and used it to saw my way through the final strap instead of trying to unlock it. And boom...freedom. They came back and saw me laying there freely and ...heh if only I could describe the looks on their faces lol >D
Final part/part 3 coming soon :o Comments please? :o