NO!! Kirky was WRONG!! Whoa, apocalypse comes tomorrow >) ...xD But like.. whoa so'more o_o The pop's out to get our keyboards ò.ó and I thought pop was my friend ;_;
*hugzles* :\ :| :/
Dude ya x.x accoridng to my doc-a-tor I have severe depression to the extreme appareently e.e so very... comforting thought, so.. happy O.o
Dude, that hapd to me twice with old keyboards. Keys kept typing the wrong things x_x Hey mom was supposed to bring my new one today. I should go check if she did o.o;
Personality Disorder Test Results
( ... )
*hugs* =/
Dude, wow at those results x_x;;
*hugzles* :\ :| :/
Dude ya x.x accoridng to my doc-a-tor I have severe depression to the extreme appareently e.e so very... comforting thought, so.. happy O.o
\\ - .Kirkalina. -//
":\ :| :/ " Lol that's cool xD
e.e;; Damn. Well get better before you get worse x_x Hey that's good o.o;; I should copyright that line :B
Seriously, same thing happened to me a few years ago. I spilled SODA on my keyboard and it just went downhill from there.
._. I find it strange the ones affected were nowhere near the spillage however o.o
And you Americans call it Soda cuz you can relate to it. As in Soooo DUH! o.o! har har *runs*!
I said soda to bug you. I usually call it sodapop. :P
Dude, that hapd to me twice with old keyboards. Keys kept typing the wrong things x_x Hey mom was supposed to bring my new one today. I should go check if she did o.o;
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