Jun 16, 2009 19:00
It is called "Malice." Symptoms include irritability, red eyes, and fever. It is worsened by fear and distress. It is caused by a "kiss," and cannot be spread otherwise or considered infectious.
[...] Because it can also cause increased aggression, I ask all those infected to please speak to me-or another member of the force-so that they can be [...] placed somewhere safe. There is no need to endanger more than already have been.
[...] [And now she lies:] There is no 'cure,' but it should fade on its own with time.
[ LOCKED to Minato; hackable by those so inclined ]
I am sorry for doing this without your permission... but something has to be done. The talk is getting ridiculous, and if nothing is done, it will only lead to more deaths than we can already expect.
police force,
all business,
but not really,
this is awkward,
lying forever brb,
as long as it sounds smart,