New Year's Resolutions

Jan 02, 2013 16:09

It is time for a New Year. While there were good things for me in 2012 - like moving to Lubbock, I hope 2013 is a better year.

I am a big believer in resolutions. New Year's or any other day of the year. I take a moment on my birthday and Halloween as well for example. You can choose almost any day or period of the year, and I think it can work just as well. I know some people reflect on themselves and set personal growth goals for Lent.

In my mind when you talk about resolutions, you are talking about personal growth goals. What can I do to be a better person in the New Year. I ask myself, and then I settle on a few things to focus on as goals. Because, I more than most people could use some self improvement - no one else is going to do it for you or me. They can't.

Do I always reach my goals? No, I think a person who always reaches their goals has set their goals too low. You want to challenge yourself. When I don't meet them sometimes I rethink them and decide to let them go. Most of the time I just refocus and try again.

This year I resolve to live a simpler life: I resolve to read more and watch Netflix less. I resolve to eat more whole natural foods - like salads, fruit, yogurt, beans and grains. I resolve to watch more educational entertainment and less crime dramas, which aren't a great mental diet. I resolve to maintain my workout routine. I resolve to walk as often as I can. I resolve to be more patient - not one of my strong points.

This year I resolve to be a better friend: I resolve to contact people more often. I resolve to be more social. I resolve to keep up with Facebook in terms of what is going on in people's life more. I resolve to write more and share more with my friends.

I resolve to write more: I resolve to write more in my blog here, and in other places online. I resolve to find ways to be a better stronger writer.

I'd love to hear what you are resolving for the New Year.

Three quotes today:

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other," by Abraham Lincoln.

"How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them," by Benjamin Franklin.

"The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad," by Friedrich Nietzsche.

my life

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