9th Act of Rebellion

Sep 21, 2008 14:32

The day before yesterday was pretty amusing, getting to hearing everyone speak with a pirate accent. I was affected as well, which wasn't so great, but it could of been worse.

Rollo decided to move in with me the other day. I don't know him that well, but I think it'll be nice to have someone to talk to when I come home from work for once. I just hope he wont mind that I'm a bit of "clean freak" and dislike having a messy room. Heh, If anything it'll be a new and interesting experience to say the least.

[Private; unhackable]

It also appears as if I've been here before and not too long ago as well. If that's so, then why hadn't anyone came up to me and mentioned it? I'm sure someone must of known me well from that time and is still here...either way, at least I found out some more critical information about this place:

1. It is possible to leave somehow
2. It is equally possible to come, leave and then return.
3. This place can do the impossible and bring back the dead to life.

As for whether I can fully trust these points as facts yet is a bit uncertain, but it's a start. What I'm most worried about, has been the lack of these "events". True, we had that pirate day, but that's the problem here. Unlike the rest of these other strange occurances, that last a week, this one only lasted a day...I can't helping thinking now that something is off and it's making me a little uneasy.


[Filtered to Suzaku]

Suzaku, have you heard from Euphie since I last spoke to you? She never responded to my last post and you are her only other friend I know so...I was just curious.

[filtered to Euphemia]

Euphie, I didn't hear from you in my last post or haven't seen you in a while. Are you alright? I remember that you told me that I could visit you anytime, or something like that, so I'll be stopping by after work today. I just wanted to warn you in advance, because I don't mean to bother you if you've been busy or anything, but I can't help but feel a bit worried.

[[OOC: Forgetful mun is forgetful. Mods, Rollo will be now moving in with Lelouch, with Rollo-mun's permission. BTW, I am aware that Euhpie mun is on haitus, so I'm not expecting her to respond.]]

rollo, suzaku, roommate, impending doom, euphie

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