First we have to deal with a planet that thinks that everything should be alive and cherbling. Now we have to go home in a living ship. Not any ordinary living ship, but an obnoxiously cute living ship. And let's add insult to injury, shall we? An obnoxiously cute living ship that insists on maners.
As if it isn't embarassing enough to know that other races flying around in space who see our ship, probably know we're all riding around in the fiercly cute fluffy thing, must the thing also insist on my being nice to it?
It took us a bit, but we finally figured out if we wanted something, we simply needed to ask for it. Well, we thought it was simply. After watching people request chairs, desks, all sorts of useless things, I figured I would at least ask for something useful. "I want a room that I can train in that is 500 times earths gravity, and make it quick, I haven't got all day you know."
This growling noise echos through the ship and everyone gives me this look.
Kakarotto starts going, "Vegeta, you meanie, you hurt its feelings!"
It's a ship people. I don't care how damned cute it is, it's supposed to serve us, not us to serve it you know. Can't you get that straight?
Well, finally, my
daughter asks, using all those words
my mate taught her like, "Please" and "Thank you" and "We really would appreciate it." The next thing I know, we do have a training room. Okay, it might not be 500 times earth gravity, but it's better than nothing, right?
Well, now everyone is telling me I have to not use energy, because we have no way of knowing if energy blasts might hurt the poor little thing.
I'm sure the thing has a defense system and a weapons system. You can't fly around space without them. So, why are we acting like we have to treat this thing like it's made of glass?
At least we're heading home. And honestly, after yesterday I need to go home. I was just going to stay in my room until we we could leave, but hunger drove me into the streets. That wasn't too bad. I was able to locate food fairly easily. But, as I was heading back to my room with it, I saw some of those stupid natives from that planet of Carebear people I was forced to visit a bit back. I tried to duck out of sight, but they found me and came running over before I could get away. "Wow, look sissy bear, it's our old friend Mr. Grumpy Prince!"
And of course, being a race of insane idiots, they had to immedietly break into the "It's so great to see old friends on another planet" song, because, in case I never told you this before, these asses have a song for damned near every occation in the world. I am not kidding. The have the good morning song, the good night song, the "I have to use the potty song" the list goes on and on. And even though they looked like the biggest treetards in the forrest of people on the streets, they still insisted on gathering around and singing the infernal song. And I'll stop this before it starts, No, Kakarotto, I do not remember any of the words to the song. And I never will. I kept trying to get away, but it's hard when they're all gathered in a circle around you, arms around each other, dancing and singing like fools. Finally, I ended up using a very small blast (And I'm serious, it was nothing near my full power) to knock one of them down so I could escape the circle.
Outside of the circle, on the streets, a crowd had formed of mostly young children, because as we all know, young children just love overgrown idiots who look like stuffed animals. Well, when they saw one of them knocked to the ground, several of them started crying, which in turn, pissed off the parents, so they advanced upon me, beating me with purses, backpacks and other things.
"You meanie, how dare you beat up those wonderful people and make our children cry!"
I've said before, I don't fight the weak, and I don't fight children. There is no challenge or honor in it. And clearly, these mothers were much weaker than I was. So I ended up having to fly away as fast as I could to get away from them.
I lost the food I'd bought because of all of this too.
Fortunately, I was able to send Trunks and Bra to get me something to eat.